CO₂ recycling: What is the role of the electrolyte?

At the HZB, Matthew Mayer and his team has now investigated what causes this and how the clog up process can be prevented

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Scientists discover microorganisms for carbon capture

Utilizing scientific methods, the research team has already discovered novel cyanobacteria so efficient at consuming carbon dioxide that they appear to outperform other best-in-class carbon-capturing microbes

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Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the Economy

With a current capacity of over 1.3 million tonnes for CO₂-based products and steadily growing demand, smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies are helping to establish CO2 as a renewable carbon feedstock. Many of these innovations have been introduced at the Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023

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Smarte Technologien und Materialien aus dem Bereich der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -verwertung (CCU) defossilisieren die Wirtschaft

Mit einer aktuellen Kapazität von rund 1,3 Millionen Tonnen für CO₂-basierte Produkte und einer stetig wachsenden Nachfrage, tragen intelligente Technologien aus dem Bereich der Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -verwertung (CCU) dazu bei, CO2 als Quelle für erneuerbaren Kohlenstoff zu etablieren. Viele dieser Innovationen wurden auf der Conference on CO2-bases Fuels and Chemicals 2023 vorgestellt

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European Energy partners with Novo Nordisk and the LEGO Group to replace fossil-based materials in plastic production

European Energy enters agreement with Novo Nordisk and the LEGO Group to deliver e-methanol as a lower-carbon alternative to conventional plastic production

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Nachhaltig: Lego will Kunststoffe auf E-Methanol-Basis

Lego investiert weiter in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit: Ab 2024 wird ein Teil der Kunststoffproduktion auf E-Methanol von European Energy basieren

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Photosynthesis ‘hack’ could lead to new ways of generating renewable energy

Researchers found that ‘rewiring’ of photosynthesis could improve how it deals with excess energy, and create new and more efficient ways of using its power

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Durchbruch auf dem Weg zur biologischen Solarzelle

Forschende stellen bisherige Funktionsweise der Fotosynthese infrage

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Innovationspreis „Best CO₂-Utilisation 2023“ – Drei prämierte CCU-Lösungen ebnen den Weg zur Abkehr von fossilen Ressourcen

Kohlendioxid ist eine erneuerbare Ressource, die fossilen Kohlenstoff erfolgreich ersetzen kann. Die Innovationen CellCO₂, Arkeon und Ultra-low Carbon Concrete zeigen die Vielfalt der Lösungen zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und -nutzung (CCU)

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Plug-n-play DAC: Ukraine-based startup Carbominer piloted its transportable machine with an international industrial partner

The results of this two-week pilot have shown that Carbominer’s DAC technology works, providing little water usage and higher than expected CO2 purity (99.5%)

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Algenfarm als Rohstofflieferant

Das Start-up MACROCARBON, ein Spin-off des AWI, will auf der Mittelmeerinsel Gran Canaria die dort ansässige Makroalge Sargassum in Algenfarmen züchten und Grundstoffe für die chemische Industrie liefern

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Opening a New Frontier: PdMo Intermetallic Catalyst for Promoting CO2 Utilization

A team of researchers led by Professor Hideo Hosono from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, set out to develop a better catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation

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Reform des europäischen Emissionshandels: Parlament stimmt mit Ja

Das Europäische Parlament hat am Dienstag (18. April) weitreichende Reformen beschlossen, um die europäische Klimapolitik ehrgeiziger zu gestalten. Der EU-ETS wird reformiert, CO2 auszustoßen wird damit immer teurer

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Parliament backs EU carbon market overhaul, world’s first CO₂ tariff

Europe’s carbon market forces power plants and factories to buy CO2 permits when they pollute. It has slashed those sectors’ emissions by 43% since 2005 but is facing a revamp to hit more ambitious EU climate change targets

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Cemvita Unveils eCO2 Pilot Plant: Transforming CO2 Emissions into Renewable Feedstocks and Fertilizers

eCO2TM platform promises to alleviate feedstock shortage and produce carbon-negative fuels and chemicals at competitive market rates

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“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023” Innovation Award – Three winning CCU solutions open the road to transition away from fossil resources

Carbon dioxide is a renewable resource able to replace fossil carbon. CellCO2, Arkeon and Ultra-low Carbon Concrete showcase the versatility of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) solutions.

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AIMPLAS participates in a new EU project bringing to the market high-quality polyester textile products from the valorisation of CO2 waste streams

New European project demonstrate its first-of-its-kind technology producing commercially viable sustainable PET textile products from CO2 waste streams at industrial scale

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Electrolyzers Market worth $23,555.9 Million by 2028

Promising growth by 2028 according to a new research report

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The suite of substances that can tackle carbon dioxide

Chemists are organising an arsenal of catalysts to suck up small, inert molecules.Chemists are organising an arsenal of catalysts to suck up small, inert molecules

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YNCORIS as technical partner for the process industry on their way to defossilisation

Interview with Anke Schwarzenberger from nova-Institute with several representatives of Yncoris GmbH about CO2neutrality and how the company is handling it

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