These initiatives aim at contributing to the decarbonization and upgrade of KAZAKHSTAN’s industry with the production of sustainable aviation fuel and low-carbon hydrogen through CO2 capture
Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, durch nachhaltiges Flugbenzin - SAF - und kohlenstoffarmen Wasserstoff durch CO2-Abscheidung zur Dekarbonisierung und Effizienz der kasachischen Industrie und Infrastruktur beizutragen
About 244 million tonnes of organic carbon are stored in the top 10cm of seabed habitats - most (98%) of that is in mud or silt – a location that’s quite easily overlooked when it comes to conservation measures
The latest episode of the "Growing Impact" podcast explores how researchers are using advanced computation to design catalysts that can accelerate the process of converting carbon dioxide into useful products
The German Aerospace Centre (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) is currently building the world's largest research facility for the production of electricity-based fuels, also known as electrofuels or e-fuels
Mit der „Technologieplattform Power-to-Liquid-Kraftstoffe“, kurz TPP, baut das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) im sachsen-anhaltischen Leuna die bisher größte Forschungsanlage auf, um strombasierte Kraftstoffe herzustellen
The methanol product in the new portfolio contain a lower carbon content than a traditional portfolio, with the same high quality product specifications
While many CO2-derived chemicals do not represent net-negative or net-zero products, they still represent reductions in emissions compared to the fossil fuel-based status quo but they are not a decarbonization tool
Netto-negative Emissionen sind machbar, wie Ottmar Edenhofer, Direktor des Berliner Klimaforschungsinstituts MCC, bei der kürzlichen "Thünen-Vorlesung" erklärte