The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) is highlighting key issues as policymaker's awareness and support is crucial for the much-needed transition to renewable carbon
Nachbericht zum Workshop »Every day for future«: Hier wird die technische Umsetzung des im Verbundprojekt entwickelten Konzeptes zur Kreislaufführung von CO2 unter realen Bedingungen getestet
The US Inflation Reduction Act is one year old today. Its first 90 days were enough for the US to overtake the EU’s second-place spot in producing cleantech
Wenn das BMWK jetzt an einer Strategie zur Anwendung von CCS und CCU arbeitet, muss das Ziel unserer Klimapolitik eine Transformation der Wirtschaft sein, bei der allenfalls die schwer vermeidbaren Restemissionen unter der Erde deponiert oder in langlebigen Produkten genutzt werden
Moses Lake, Washington is a small, pleasant city in the USA’s northwest, along a sinuous, managed body of water that from above resembles a dragon chasing an eagle
If DAC is taken seriously by policy makers and the general public, this will lend the oil and gas companies delay in reducing their levels of production
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda Will Fund Projects to Kickstart Critical New Industry, Remove Historic Climate-Harming Carbon Emissions Out of the Air, and Create 4,800 Good-Paying Jobs
Antonio La Mantia, Director of Communications and Events, and Anastasios Perimenis, Secretary General at CO2 Value Europe, explore the INITIATE project that uses carbon capture and utilisation to contribute to a climate-neutral and circular economy
General Hydrogen would purchase and transport off-site up to 15 tons of hydrogen per day, and CGI Gases would purchase and transport compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) captured during the process
EE North America intends to construct a Power-to-X facility in Texas that would take the biogenic CO2 from Montauk’s locations and use it in the production of e-methanol
In addition to financial participation, Newlight has completed development agreements with CNG to commercialize specialty films decarbonized with AirCarbon and with OLCV to use direct air capture (DAC)
MegaMax was chosen by several big customers as it is proven to deliver high activity and stability under the challenging conditions of CO2-to-methanol conversion
HYCO1, Inc. has entered into a 20-year carbon dioxide supply agreement with Kansas Ethanol for the planned construction of the world’s largest biogenic carbon dioxide utilization facility, Green Carbon Synthetics Kansas, LLC