Researchers have developed a reactor that pulls carbon dioxide directly from the air and converts it into sustainable fuel, using sunlight as the power source
Compared with production methods that use petroleum-based resources as feedstocks, the para-xylene obtained in this project affords a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions
Siemens Energy wird sich auf die Einheit für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff konzentrieren, Tecnicas Reunidas wird sich auf die Einheiten zur biogenen Kohlenstoffabscheidung und zur E-Methanol-Produktion fokussieren
In addition to Reolum, the project brings together the services, knowledge and capabilities of four large companies with strong specialization in decarbonization: Siemens Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Johnson Matthey and Técnicas Reunidas
Backed by Khosla Ventures and Fathom Fund, the company’s novel manufacturing technology aims to unlock scalable alternatives to traditional plastics and petrochemicals
The combined backing will finance the construction of Europe`s largest sustainable production plant in Frankfurt and research and development of future
While elements of Trump's climate policy remain uncertain, there is expected to be a strong political force from Democrats and Republicans alike to continue support for carbon capture
Designers and manufacturers must rethink their approach to material selection as plastics have become the default material in consumer product design due to their lightweight, durability, and affordability
Upcycling als Klima-Game-Changer: Aus alten Batterien und Alufolie-Resten wurde an der TU Wien ein Nanokatalysator erzeugt, mit dem sich CO2 aus der Luft in wertvolles Methan umwandeln lässt
Upcycling as a climate game-changer: A nanocatalyst has been produced at TU Wien based on spent batteries and aluminium foil residues, converting CO2 into valuable methane