The EU-funded research project WaterProof is developing an electrochemistry based CO₂-conversion technology transforming CO₂ from waste incineration and wastewater treatment facilities into formic acid
Arkema will leverage its expertise and its leading innovation in high performance polymers, while OOYOO will develop membrane design – with a specific focus on CO2 separation membranes used for their ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Arkema will leverage its expertise and its leading innovation in high performance polymers, while OOYOO will develop membrane design – with a specific focus on CO2 separation membranes used for their ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Zusammen mit Greenlyte Carbon Technologies soll die weltweit erste voll integrierte Anlage zur Produktion von nachhaltigem Flugkraftstoff (DAC-to-SAF) errichtet werden
The world’s first ship with a full-scale carbon capture facility is ready for pilot testing. The hope is that this technology becomes a milestone for the world’s trading fleet on route to zero emissions
The experimental facility will explore carbon capture, utilization or storage, and industrial decarbonization, and it will be sited at Cornell’s existing Combined Heat and Power Plant
The international meeting place for the chemical, the plastics and materials industries will take place from 22 to 24 September 2025 in Siegburg/Cologne. It presents solutions and innovations for replacing fossil carbon with biomass, CO2 utilisation and recycling
Der internationale Treffpunkt für die Chemie-, Kunststoff- und Werkstoffindustrie findet vom 22. bis 24. September 2025 in Siegburg bei Köln statt. Die Konferenz präsentiert neue Lösungen und aktuelle Innovationen, fossilen Kohlenstoff durch Biomasse, CO₂-Nutzung und Recycling zu ersetzen
There are many technologies underway and being scaled up that aim to use CO2 for replacement of hydrocarbons in the development of bioplastics and advanced building materials