Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) announced a final investment decision to build an 820,000-tonnes-a-year biofuels facility at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, the Netherlands, formerly known as the Pernis refinery
Supporters of carbon removal technologies often confuse carbon capture and storage (CCS) with negative emissions. They also risk greenwashing industry claims of climate neutrality, and encourage massive investments in false climate ‘solutions’ that risk becoming stranded assets
In Island zieht jetzt eine Anlage jährlich 4.000 Tonnen CO₂ aus der Atmosphäre und lagert sie unterirdisch an. Wie zukunftsfähig das ist, ist umstritten
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma FALKE und Dr. Manvi wurde mithilfe eines kohlenstoffdioxid-basierten thermoplastischen Polyurethangarns eine Socke hergestellt
In April 2021, the European Parliament and the European Council reached a provisional agreement on the first-ever EU Climate Law. But negotiations on whether carbon removals should be counted towards the 2030 target were difficult
New facilities intent to process inedible corn to produce sustainable aviation fuel, which can lower the lifecycle carbon intensity of fuels used in the aviation industry
Producer or importer of carbon compounds will have to measure the amount of CO2 that would be released in using their product, if it will be captured/stored instead or released into the atmosphere
Here’s the math. According to a chart from the US Department of Energy, we need to bring 10 billion gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. That’s enough, by volume, to fill 5 million Empire State Buildings, or 2 million Great Pyramids
Velocys announced on Aug. 31 that its collaboration partner, Toyo Engineering Corp., is starting the advanced engineering and design phase of a commercial scale biorefinery in Japan to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)