Carbon capture and storage: Another arrow in the green quiver

Given the steep Paris targets, companies are looking to reduce their emissions by capturing carbon and using it for the production of a host of items including soda ash As is the case with any new technology, the cost of capturing carbon dioxide is exorbitant at present ($45-50 per tonne), though it has fallen considerably since 2004 when it was $250 per tonne.

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nova’s experts (re)introduced: Lara Dammer

Head of the „Economy & Policy“ Department

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The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) celebrates its first anniversary

Looking back at a successful first year with a tripled membership count and presenting clear goals and ambitions for the second year

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CRI chemical plant project in China will recycle 150.000 tons of CO2 per year to make materials for solar panels

Both companies plan to produce 100,000 tons of methanol annually and is expected to begin its operation in 2023

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CRI and JM collaborate to support sustainable methanol

Partners have agreed on a long term exclusive catalyst supply agreement for the use of JM’s KATALCO(TM) methanol catalysts in CRI’s Emissions-To-Liquids (“ETL”) designed CO2 to methanol plants

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Is the first fossil-free jet fuel made from CO2 viable? The US Air Force thinks so

Twelve and EFT in partnership with the US Air Force’s Operational Energy office have produced the first fossil-free jet fuel from carbon dioxide using an electrochemical process

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Free webinar: Value from CO2: The power of Biotechnology

23 November 2021, 14:00–17:00 h CET – Final agenda available!

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Life cycle assessment shows: Neste RE renewable hydrocarbons cut carbon footprint by more than 85% over fossil feedstock for polymers and chemicals industry

Neste RE’s greenhouse gas emissions correspond to a carbon footprint of 0.45kg CO2-equivalent per kg

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Repsol produces renewable hydrogen with biomethane for the first time

This new process for production of renewable hydrogen is further evidence of the transformation of Repsol’s industrial complexes into multi-energy hubs capable of manufacturing decarbonized products. It also supports the company’s commitment to achieving zero net emissions by 2050

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Fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of $11m a minute, IMF finds

Trillions of dollars a year are ‘adding fuel to the fire’ of the climate crisis, experts say

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US Secretary of Energy Granholm and US Senator Ossoff Visit LanzaTech Innovation Hub in Georgia and Site of the World’s First LanzaJet Sustainable Fuels Plant

Visit highlights the potential of rural America to create domestic supplies of sustainable fuels and chemicals

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Kohlendioxid als alternativer Rohstoff für die Autoindustrie

FoamPartner will künftig nachhaltige Schaumstoffe für den Autoinnenraum als neue Produktreihe unter dem Namen OBoNatureTM vermarkten

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Carbon dioxide as an alternative raw material for the automotive industry

FoamPartner will market in the future its sustainable foams as new OBoNatureTM product series

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Start-up uses CO2 to create bio-building blocks

Cemvita Factory's assessment shows it can utilise 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide to produce 1 billion pounds of bio-ethylene per year to make plastics

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The Green Brief: Fossil fuel subsidies are back (and they’re here to stay)

EU governments have scrambled to implement emergency measures to protect vulnerable consumers and yet in doing so, they’re indirectly subsidising fossil fuels

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US‐Energietechnologiekonzern Baker Hughes steigt bei Electrochaea ein und erweitert CCU‐Technologieportfolio

Technologienzusammenführung ermöglicht schnelle Skalierung und internationale Vermarktung einer integrierten Lösung zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ‐nutzung (CCU)

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EXCLUSIVE: Could biogas solve the UK’s CO2 supply issues?

BioCarbonics works with AD operators/biogas producers to help them recover and monetise their waste CO2, providing a dedicated channel to market for biogenic ‘green’ CO2 from renewable energy sources

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Simple method for converting carbon dioxide into useful compounds

With the new method, carbon dioxide is transformed into useful porous complexes at room temperature and without high pressure

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The answer to your hunt for renewable materials: The Renewable Materials Conference, 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)

The unique concept of presenting all renewable material solutions at one event hits the mark: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled are the only alternatives to fossil-based chemicals and materials

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Baubeginn für weltweit erste integrierte kommerzielle Anlage zur Herstellung von eFuels

Für dieses zukunftsweisende Projekt im Süden Chiles wurde im Beisein des chilenischen Energieministers Juan Carlos Jobet der erste Spatenstich gesetzt

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