Große Filteranlagen können der Luft CO2 entziehen und es wieder unter die Erde bringen. Die entscheidende Frage lautet nur: Ist das überhaupt effizient? Forscher der Universität Freiburg haben wichtige Antworten gefunden
The Statement of Verification assures the BioCat process performance claims are based on reliable test data collected by appropriate analytical methods, under plant operations conducted by competent personnel
Recently, a research team from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) reported a novel material for intensified CO production via the two-step STCS process
Together with Synhelion the company is developing an innovative solar-driven technology to eliminate the carbon footprint in cement manufacturing process
CEMEX has appointed Carbon Clean to work on a FEED study for a ground-breaking carbon capture project at its Rüdersdorf plant in Germany, as part of its Carbon Neutral Alliance at the site
Zwei deutsche Ingenieure entwickelten vor Jahren ein winziges Gerät, das Kohlendioxid filtert. Inzwischen ist die Technik erwachsen – und aus dem kleinen Start-up eine große Zukunftshoffnung geworden
The partnership contributes to MHI’s strategic focus on identifying and accelerating decarbonization opportunities through investments in renewable projects and climate tech startups
The company’s range of certified renewable polymers are providing an important bridge for the value chain to evolve from a linear to a circular economy