CCU is a broad term that covers processes that aim at capturing CO2 from flue gas or directly from the air and converting it into a variety of products such as renewable fuels, chemicals, and materials
As well as storing the CO2 in geological formations, there is increasing interest in the chemical transformation of captured CO2 to value-added products
Um in Zukunft eine kohlenstoffneutrale Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren, werden Technologien benötigt, die als Rohstoff CO2 verwenden. In Form von Formiat kann CO2 von bestimmten Bakterien verstoffwechselt werden
To establish a carbon-neutral circular economy in the future, technologies are needed that use carbon dioxide as a raw material. In the form of formate, CO2 can be metabolised by certain bacteria
One hour long documentary by Trevor Vaugh getting up close and personal with some of the challenge teams trying to win the Future Innovator Prize funds
Barton Blakeley Technologies, based at Rothamsted Research, has developed the world’s first carbon conversion system, converting CO2 emissions into silica
CEMEX hat Carbon Clean beauftragt, im Rahmen seiner Carbon Neutral Alliance am Standort an einer FEED-Studie für ein bahnbrechendes CO2-Abscheidungsprojekt im Werk Rüdersdorf in Deutschland zu arbeiten
A group of researchers have now developed a novel electrocatalyst that efficiently converts CO2 mainly to ethanol, acetone, and n-butanol, with multiple carbon atoms (C2–4)
From technologies over building blocks and polymers to fine chemicals: Get the best reports on bio-based, CO2-based and recycling markets for a special price
“Climate Leader” awards are dedicated to individuals, teams, or departments within an organization displaying an overall commitment to meeting the Climate+ strategy goals
“Climate Leader” awards are dedicated to individuals, teams, or departments within an organization displaying an overall commitment to meeting the Climate+ strategy goals