Forschende der ETH Zürich und der Carnegie Institution for Science zeigen auf, wie sich Stickstoffdünger nachhaltiger herstellen liesse. Dies ist nicht nur aus Klimaschutzgründen nötig, sondern auch um die Abhängigkeit von Erdgasimporten zu reduzieren und um die Ernährungssicherheit zu erhöhen
Excessive CO2 emissions are one of the most widely discussed challenges in the 21st century. Carbon-negative production of value-added chemicals by cyanobacterial cell factories has been considered a top priority for solving such problems
Der Bericht stellt den technischen Fortschritt, die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und den potenziellen Beitrag der Kohlendioxid-Abscheidung und - Speicherung (Carbon Capture and Storage - CCS) für den Klimaschutz dar
The year-end spending package released by Congress on Tuesday could deliver an influx of funding to several Department of Energy programs that may be pivotal for hitting the Biden administration’s climate targets
The zero-waste company Orbix from Genk and the building materials producer Masterbloc from Maasmechelen have succeeded in developing circular building blocks that use carbon dioxide instead of cement as a binder
On 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online. The preliminary program of the “Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” is online. Take a look!
Am 19. und 20. April 2023 in Köln und online. Das vorläufige Programm der "Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023" ist online. Schauen Sie rein!
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Fossil Energy and Carbon Management announces Carbon Matchmaker, an online information resource to connect users across the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) supply chains
Following a rigorous, 10-month selection process, a panel of advisors with expertise in science, conservation, innovation, investment, economics, politics and activism selected LanzaTech from more than 1,000 nominations
The coalition members are companies scaling and industrialising technologies whose products and services range from decarbonising industry and energy with renewable hydrogen to producing scalable low-carbon cement; from electrifying transport to recycling materials and batteries
Die Mitglieder der Koalition sind Unternehmen, die Technologien skalieren und industrialisieren, deren Produkte und Dienstleistungen von der Dekarbonisierung von Industrie und Energie mit erneuerbarem Wasserstoff bis zur Herstellung von skalierbarem kohlenstoffarmem Zement, von der Elektrifizierung des Verkehrs bis zum Recycling von Materialien und Batterien reichen
New zero crude platform to produce over 20,000 tons of hydrogen a year for making sustainable aviation fuel and to prevent emissions amounting to 150,000 tons of CO2 a year compared to current processes