RCI Carbon Flows Report: Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level

The new report provides a comprehensive understanding of today's carbon flows and what it means to replace fossil carbon with renewable carbon in the materials and chemicals sectors

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RCI-Bericht: Kohlenstoffflüsse – Angebot und Nachfrage von fossilem und erneuerbarem Kohlenstoff in der globalen und europäischen Wirtschaft

Der neue Bericht bietet umfassende Erkenntnisse über die heutigen Kohlenstoffflüsse und die Bedeutung des Ersatzes von fossilem Kohlenstoff durch erneuerbaren Kohlenstoff im Material- und Chemiesektor

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The EU needs a business case for carbon removals

Carbon dioxide from biomethane and ethanol facilities is already routinely separated and transported at scale, for industrial purposes. The practice just needs to be adopted generally

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From Emission-made Shoes to Jet Fuels – Smart Innovations Make CO₂ the Feedstock of the Future

The Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals announces six nominees for the innovation award “Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023”

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Von Turnschuhen aus CO₂-Emissionen bis hin zu Flugzeugtreibstoff – Intelligente Innovationen machen CO₂ zum Rohstoff der Zukunft

Die Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals gibt sechs Nominierte für den Innovationspreis „Best CO₂ Utilisation 2023“ bekannt

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nova-experts introduced: Vanessa Kleinpeter

Office and Conference Management

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Vergesst die Luft! Holt das CO₂ aus dem Meer – meinen Forscher

Kohlenstoffdioxid aus den Ozeanen zu entfernen, könnte effektiver und billiger sein, als aus der Luft

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A wholly sustainable plastics economy is feasible

It is also the image of plastics that need to change

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Eine absolut nachhaltige Kunststoffwirtschaft ist möglich

Ändern müsste sich ausserdem das Image von Plastik

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Hydrogen: The path towards decarbonisation

The full energy transition to hydrogen will be an important pillar for facing the power of decarbonising all areas of the economy so that the roadmap for hydrogen is established

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Protecting the climate during textile production – polyester fibers bind CO2

Under the new collaborative EU-project with leadership of the French company Fairbrics are 17 project partners from 7 European countries will contribute their special expertise and further develop the process technologically and make it suitable for industrial use

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Klimaschutz bei der Textilproduktion: Polyesterfasern binden CO2

Unter dem neuen EU-Verbundprojekt ‚Threading CO2‘ arbeiten unter der Leitung des Unternehmens Fairbrics 17 Projektpartner aus sieben europäischen Ländern zusammen, die mit ihrem speziellen Fachwissen den Prozess technologisch weiterentwickeln und industriefähig machen wollen

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Carbonova Awarded $2 million from Sustainable Development Technology Canada

The company is on track to building the first large scale commercial carbon nanofibers facility in Canada and the award will allow it to advance its technology and begin the design

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Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), February 2023

Lets take a look at what happened in February 2023 at RCI

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How to pull carbon dioxide out of seawater

A new method for removing the greenhouse gas from the ocean could be far more efficient than existing systems for removing it from the air

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Deep insights into bio- and CO₂-based solutions for polymers

nova Session “Bio- and CO₂-based Polymers: Production, Trends 2022-2027 and the latest Policy Developments” - Workshop with nova experts from technology and markets, sustainability and policy

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INEOS Secures €3.5 billion financing for project one – The greenest cracker in Europe

The plant is designed to use low carbon hydrogen. As soon as enough becomes available, the cracker will have a zero carbon footprint

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Carbon Capture and Utilisation: More Than Hiding CO2 for Some Time

New scientific paper shows that the actual impact of the CCU concept is difficult to assess, because it is highly technological and context-dependent and this can involve controversial discussions

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Wasserstoff – eine norwegische „Zeitenwende“?

Deutschland sieht Norwegen als Wasserstofflieferanten, wenn das Erdgas zu Ende geht. Die norwegische Industrie rüstet auf, aber der deutsche Wasserstoffzug fährt – mit oder ohne norwegischem Wasserstoff

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Biokraftstoffe mit Strom boostern

Neues Verbundprojekt "Synergy Fuels" macht die Herstellung von Biokraftstoffen effizienter

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