Lists of posts with category CCU
Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have managed to create fumarate using artificial photosynthesis on pyruvate and CO2. This fumarate can be used to make biodegradable plastic like polybutylene succinate, storing the carbon in a compact, durable, solid form. Currently, most fumarate used to make this plastic is produced from petroleum, so creating fumarate from CO2 and
Hohlkörper aus Recyclingkunststoff – genauer aus recyceltem Polypropylen (rPP) – können in Decken von Gewerbegebäuden bis zu 40 % des Betons ersetzen. Entwickelt hat diese materialeffiziente Leichtbauweise die Unidome Deutschland GmbH aus Eltville am Rhein. Hohlkörper aus Recyclingkunststoff im Beton Bei dem Verfahren werden an wenig tragenden Stellen statt Beton Hohlkörper, sogenannte Verdränger, verwendet. Gefertigt
It’s hoped that if carbon dioxide could be converted at the point of emission, we could deal with the climate crisis a lot faster and create a sustainable carbon economy. There are a few companies trying to tackle this. Zurich-based Climeworks is capturing CO2 from the air via commercial carbon dioxide removal technology, and has raised
Südzucker’s membership underscores the company’s ambitions to support an accelerated transformation of the use of fossil carbon to renewable carbon from biomass, carbon dioxide and recycling. At the same time, it gives Südzucker the opportunity to raise the profile of sustainable agriculture in the context of a fossil carbon-free industry. The chemical industry and many
Mit der Mitgliedschaft unterstreicht Südzucker die Ambitionen des Unternehmens zur Unterstützung einer beschleunigten Transformation der Nutzung von fossilem Kohlenstoff hin zu erneuerbarem Kohlenstoff aus Biomasse, Kohlenstoffdioxid und Recycling. Gleichzeitig eröffnet es Südzucker die Möglichkeit, das Thema nachhaltige Landwirtschaft im Kontext einer Industrie ohne fossilen Kohlenstoff stärker in den Vordergrund zu rücken. Sowohl die chemische Industrie
The process for synthesizing the melamine material, published this week in the journal Science Advances, could potentially be scaled down to capture emissions from vehicle exhaust or other movable sources of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning makes up about 75% of all greenhouse gases produced in the U.S. The new material is simple
The Carbon to Value Initiative (C2V Initiative), a multi-year collaboration among the Urban Future Lab at NYU Tandon School of Engineering (UFL), Greentown Labs, and Fraunhofer USA, which is supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), has selected eight startups for the second year of its carbontech accelerator program, in partnership with Fluor Corporation, the initiative’s
Thanks to their low toxicity, chemical stability, and remarkable electrical and optical properties, carbon-based nanomaterials are finding more and more applications across electronics, energy conversion and storage, catalysis, and biomedicine. Carbon nano-onions (CNOs) are certainly no exception. First reported in 1980, CNOs are nanostructures composed of concentric shells of fullerenes, resembling cages within cages. They
Dank ihrer geringen Toxizität, ihrer chemischen Stabilität und ihrer bemerkenswerten elektrischen und optischen Eigenschaften finden Nanomaterialien auf Kohlenstoffbasis immer mehr Anwendungen in den Bereichen Elektronik, Energieumwandlung und -speicherung, Katalyse und Biomedizin. Kohlenstoff-Nano-Ionen (CNOs) sind sicherlich keine Ausnahme. CNOs wurden erstmals 1980 beschrieben und sind Nanostrukturen, die aus konzentrischen Schalen von Fullerenen bestehen und Käfigen in
Shell International Petroleum Co Ltd and the Lufthansa Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for exploring the supply of SAF at airports across the globe. The parties intend to agree on a contract for a total supply volume of up to 1.8 million metric tons of SAF starting in 2024, over a term