Lists of posts with category CCU
Ground-breaking eCUT process creates carbon-negative chemicals for plastics from carbon dioxide and water using renewable power Announces $2 million in seed funding from Energy Transition Ventures alongside $8 mm in non-dilutive grants and awards Executes exclusive license of novel electrolysis catalyst from Rutgers University With chemical production lending to more than fifteen percent of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions, startup RenewCO2 announced its spin-out
LanzaTech NZ, Inc. (“LanzaTech”), an innovative Carbon Capture and Transformation (“CCT”) company that transforms waste carbon into materials such as sustainable fuels, fabrics, packaging, and other products that people use in their daily lives, announces today a funding partnership with Brookfield Renewable, and its institutional partners, to co-develop and build new commercial-scale production plants that
Although the Asia-Pacific region is lagging Europe and North America in its adoption of sustainable aviation fuel, a strong momentum exists, with Singapore and New Zealand emerging as front runners to promote its use, Sami Jauhiainen, VP APAC Renewable Aviation at Finland’s Neste said. “We have confidence this [SAF] market will come,” Jauhiainen said. “Both
BASF and GS Engineering and Construction (GS E&C) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a strategic partnership to jointly develop modular solutions for Carbon Capture facilities. The partners want to develop individual package solutions from standardized elements for customers from all industries in order to remove CO2 from exhaust gases and process it so that
BASF und GS Engineering and Construction (GS E&C) wollen gemeinsam modulare Lösungen für Anlagen zur CO2-Abscheidung erarbeiten. Die Partner wollen für Kunden aus allen Branchen individuelle Paketlösungen aus standardisierten Elementen entwickeln, um CO2 aus Abgasen zu entfernen und so aufzubereiten, dass es weiterverwendet oder gespeichert werden kann. Eine entsprechende Absichtserklärung über eine strategische Partnerschaft haben die beiden
For the first time since the RCI’s launch on 20 September 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, 50 participants from 34 companies met in-person at the Wasserturm Hotel Cologne, an old Prussian water tower. In this special location, participants looked back at a successful second year, discussed and defined strategic priorities for future activities of the now
Covestro’s NRW sites supplied with biogenic CO₂ from SOL Kohlensäure Supply partnership helps Covestro switch to alternative raw materials Both partners advancing Circular Economy and climate neutrality Materials manufacturer Covestro and SOL Kohlensäure GmbH & Co. KG have concluded a framework agreement for a supply partnership for biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2). With immediate effect, SOL, as one
NRW-Standorte von Covestro mit biogenem CO₂ von SOL Kohlensäure beliefert Lieferpartnerschaft unterstützt Covestro bei der Umstellung auf alternative Rohstoffe Beide Partner treiben Kreislaufwirtschaft und Klimaneutralität voran Der Werkstoffhersteller Covestro und die SOL Kohlensäure GmbH & Co. KG haben einen Rahmenvertrag für eine Lieferpartnerschaft für biogenes Kohlendioxid (CO2) geschlossen. Ab sofort liefert SOL als einer der bedeutendsten europäischen
Funded by the Department of Energy, a theoretical study led by Bin Wang, Ph.D., associate professor in the School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering in the Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, is modeling how carbon dioxide could be combined with ethylene, the most common industrial chemical, to make acrylic acid, a
With the drastic reduction of CO2 emissions at its core, the European Union’s Green Deal sets ambitious goals for a climate-neutral economy by 2050. Assessing the environmental sustainability of products placed on the EU market, and in particular their contribution to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, has gained traction. As the European