Posts with category: CCU

Lists of posts with category CCU

The Carbon to Value Initiative Announces Year Two Startup Cohort for Carbontech Accelerator Program

The Carbon to Value Initiative (C2V Initiative), a multi-year collaboration among the Urban Future Lab at NYU Tandon School of Engineering (UFL), Greentown Labs, and Fraunhofer USA, which is supported by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), has selected eight startups for the second year of its carbontech accelerator program, in partnership with Fluor Corporation, the initiative’s

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Turning Fish Waste into Quality Carbon-based Nanomaterial

Thanks to their low toxicity, chemical stability, and remarkable electrical and optical properties, carbon-based nanomaterials are finding more and more applications across electronics, energy conversion and storage, catalysis, and biomedicine. Carbon nano-onions (CNOs) are certainly no exception. First reported in 1980, CNOs are nanostructures composed of concentric shells of fullerenes, resembling cages within cages. They

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Umwandlung von Fischabfällen in hochwertiges Nanomaterial auf Kohlenstoffbasis

Dank ihrer geringen Toxizität, ihrer chemischen Stabilität und ihrer bemerkenswerten elektrischen und optischen Eigenschaften finden Nanomaterialien auf Kohlenstoffbasis immer mehr Anwendungen in den Bereichen Elektronik, Energieumwandlung und -speicherung, Katalyse und Biomedizin. Kohlenstoff-Nano-Ionen (CNOs) sind sicherlich keine Ausnahme. CNOs wurden erstmals 1980 beschrieben und sind Nanostrukturen, die aus konzentrischen Schalen von Fullerenen bestehen und Käfigen in

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Lufthansa and Shell form future-oriented cooperation on sustainable aviation fuels

Shell International Petroleum Co Ltd and the Lufthansa Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for exploring the supply of SAF at airports across the globe. The parties intend to agree on a contract for a total supply volume of up to 1.8 million metric tons of SAF starting in 2024, over a term

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Turning carbon dioxide into valuable products

MIT chemical engineers have found a way to speed up a chemical reaction that is key to converting captured carbon dioxide emissions into useful, valuable products. To prepare, they add a bit of DNA to a commonly used catalyst. They then rely on the natural behavior of DNA to situate the catalyst where it’s needed on an

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Plasma reactor D-CRBN makes new raw materials out of CO2

The start-up D-CRBN wants to build plasma reactors in the Belgian port of Antwerp to convert CO₂ captured from industry into carbon monoxide. This is how they want to make new fuels, chemicals and chemical raw materials. This should have a positive impact on the climate. David Ziegler, one of the founders of the company,

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Sun-to-Liquid: Kerosin direkt aus dem Solarturm

Die große Hoffnung der Luftfahrt ist synthetisches, über grünen Wasserstoff erzeugtes Kerosin, um auch in Zukunft möglichst klimafreundlich fliegen zu können. Denn rein elektrische Antriebe werden wegen des hohen Gewichts und mangelnder Energiedichte selbst bester Lithium-Ionen-Batterien höchstens für kleine Sportflieger genügen. Große Passagierjets bleiben dagegen weiterhin auf flüssige Treibstoffe angewiesen. Das begehrte Kerosin erzeugte nun

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UAE’s NPCC And France’s Technip Energies To Set Up Joint Venture To Back Energy Transition

UAE-based National Petroleum Construction Company signed an agreement with French engineering technology company Technip Energies to set up a joint venture that will focus on energy transition. The agreement was signed on Tuesday on the sidelines of President Sheikh Mohamed’s visit to Paris, during which the UAE and France also signed a comprehensive strategic energy

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The Stanford Lab Startup That Found a Constructive Way to Capture Carbon

Getting to Net Zero will require us to harvest carbon, by collecting it where fossil fuels still burn or by pulling it from the air. But what to do with CO2 once we’ve got it? Ideas range from burying it in rock formations to pumping it into oceans. Or, thought Etosha Cave, she could make stuff. “We’re taking CO2

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Travertine looks to revolutionise metal extraction tech, sulphuric acid production

A new technology start-up that came out of research from the University of California, Berkeley is looking to commercialise a novel, cost-effective process to capture and permanently sequester ambient carbon dioxide while producing sulphuric acid. The process should, the company says, enable carbon-negative critical element extraction and fertiliser production. Travertine Technologies, Inc. today announced a

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