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Rätsel um Katalyse zur grünen Produktion von Methanol aus Kohlendioxid gelöst

Einem internationalen Forschungsteam unter Leitung von Wissenschaftlern der Universität Stockholm ist es erstmals gelungen, die Oberfläche eines Kupfer-Zink-Katalysators bei der Reduktion von Kohlendioxid zu Methanol zu beobachten. Die Erkenntnisse, die an DESYs Forschungslichtquelle PETRA III erzielt wurden, hat die Gruppe jetzt in der Fachzeitschrift Science veröffentlicht. Eine bessere Kenntnis des katalytischen Prozesses der Methanolsynthese und die Möglichkeit, noch

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Scientists solve the Mystery about the Active Phase in Catalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction

The results – obtained at DESY´s brilliant light source PETRA III – are published in the scientific journal Science. A better knowledge of the catalytic process of methanol synthesis and the possibility of finding even more efficient materials opens the door for a green transition in the chemical industry. Methanol is currently one of the

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Wie eine Bodenmikrobe die künstliche Photosynthese ankurbeln könnte

Pflanzen sind für ihre Existenz auf einen Prozess angewiesen, der als Kohlenstofffixierung bezeichnet wird – die Umwandlung von Kohlendioxid aus der Luft in kohlenstoffreiche Biomoleküle. Das ist der Sinn der Photosynthese und ein Eckpfeiler des riesigen, ineinandergreifenden Systems, das den Kohlenstoffkreislauf durch Pflanzen, Tiere, Mikroben und die Atmosphäre aufrechterhält, um das Leben auf der Erde

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Ed de Jong, Vice President Development at Avantium Technologies (NL), on the current development of the renewable carbon economy

Michael Carus: How has the environment for the Renewable Carbon Economy evolved during the Corona pandemic, climate change and GreenDeal and the Ukraine war? (in terms of demand and investment) Ed de Jong: In general not in a positive direction because: Cost of goods have risen (raw materials, equipment etc) Delivery times are much longer

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Marilia Foukaraki, Projectleader R&D Bio-based at Cosun Beet (NL), on the current development of the renewable carbon economy

Michael Carus: How has the environment for the Renewable Carbon Economy evolved during the Corona pandemic, climate change and GreenDeal and the Ukraine war? (in terms of demand and investment) Marilia Foukaraki: Alarming climate change signals have demonstrated the need to act and in combination with the pandemic have mobilized consumers to switch to more

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Francesco Montecchio, Application Engineer at Alfa Laval Technologies (Sweden), on the current development of the renewable carbon economy

Michael Carus: How has the environment for the Renewable Carbon Economy evolved during the Corona pandemic, climate change and GreenDeal, and the Ukraine war? (in terms of demand and investment) Francesco Montecchio: We see an increase in demand and investments in the recent years. Starting from the first EU circular economy action plan in 2015,

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Ulla Hüppe, Director Sustainability Adhesive Technologies at Henkel (Germany), on the current development of the renewable carbon economy

Michael Carus: How has the environment for the Renewable Carbon Economy evolved during the Corona pandemic, climate change and GreenDeal, and the Ukraine war? (in terms of demand and investment) Ulla Hüppe: The last two years have made it ever more prominent that our world is interconnected. We have experienced first-hand how strongly our supply

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UBC spin-off companies win $2 million in competition for carbon removal technology funded by the Musk Foundation

UBC spin-off Carbin Minerals will receive $1 million from XPRIZE and the Musk Foundation to remove thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The prize is part of the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition, funded by Elon Musk and the Musk Foundation. (Another UBC spinoff, Takachar won the student version

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Stefano Facco, New Business Development Director of Novamont SpA (Italy) as well as the managing director of the German subsidiary of Novamont, on the current development of the renewable carbon economy

Michael Carus: How has the environment for the Renewable Carbon Economy evolved during the Corona pandemic, climate change and GreenDeal and the Ukraine war? (in terms of demand and investment) Stefano Facco: The COVID-19 crisis has contributed to an even greater alert on the issue of climate change and the devastation of Natural Capital, giving

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First ‘MechanicalTree’ installed on ASU’s Tempe campus

Nestled among the sun-lit trees on the east side of Arizona State University’s Tempe campus is a different kind of tree. It’s a first-of-its-kind mechanical tree, primed to become a major technology in the global fight against climate change. The tree features a metal column and 5-foot diameter disks, with each disk holding six “leaves.”

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