We set out to pin down what CO2 utilisation is, how it might relate to CO2 removals and emission reductions, and whether such technologies are profitable or scalable
Leiden University SUNRISE project aim at a circular production of high-value chemicals using renewable electricity sources and waste carbon dioxide from industrial processes
After 'CarbonEn' is registered as a company in 2021, they will take 360 tons of CO2 from POSCO Finex mills every day and process it into liquefied carbonic acid
Die Forschungsergebnisse des MehrSi-Projekts stellen auch bei der Entwicklung wettbewerbsfähiger Zellen zur direkten solaren Wasserspaltung einen Meilenstein dar
Weil die Methode unter jeglicher CO2-Konzentration funktioniert, sehen die Entwickler mögliche Einsatzszenarien in der Filterung von Kraftwerks- und Industrieabgasen
In reality, this technology is already moving from the lab to factory floors worldwide – it is no longer a question of science fiction, but rather, science fact
MCC study consolidates findings from scientific climate scenarios. Various methods for atmospheric carbon removal are necessary – but no substitute for decarbonisation