Californian researchers team has discovered a metal carbide nanoparticle that can convert CO2 into fuel, and it can be produced sustainably at low temperature
Länderübergreifendes Projekt will Durchführbarkeit von transnationalen Business Cases mit grünem Wasserstoff im Gebiet der Niederlande und NRW untersuchen
New partnership with cleantech company Econic Technologies to explore the potential for using captured carbon dioxide from its biomass power generation
Ohio State-researchers have developed al rhodium catalyst that harvests light and then it is using its energy to create hydrogen gas with an unequaled efficiency
Ohio State-Forscher haben Rhodiumkatalysator entwickelt, der bei der Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Wasser und Licht einen bisher unerreicht hohen Wirkungsgrad erzielt
Low-carbon fuels made from anything from wood pellets to garbage could hold the key to reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Jonathan Benton reports on a European Parliament event looking at the potential benefits