Posts with category: CCU

Lists of posts with category CCU

Tying Onto CO₂ Utilization

One third of the corn kernel—the CO2—goes up the stack as a gas. Some ethanol producers collect it and sell it for commercial use and others are beginning to sequester it underground, but energy development company Carbon Sink has a different purpose in mind. Carbon Sink wants to pay ethanol producers for that CO2 and

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AIR COMPANY Awarded Additional NASA Funding to Continue its Research & Development of Kerosene-Based Rocket Fuel

AIR COMPANY, the world’s leading carbon technology and climate innovation company, has seen its collaboration with NASA further strengthened with direct funding through a NASA Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award. With this funding, AIR COMPANY will make integral strides towards its carbon-negative rocket fuel for space applications on Earth, Mars, and beyond. “As global

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New tailwind for renewable carbon plastics in EU policy?

The long-awaited proposals for a policy framework for biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics as well as for the revision of the currently existent Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, commonly dubbed as PPWD/R, were published by the European Commission at the end of November 2022. Both proposals will bring substantial changes to the EU policy landscape

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HIF Global und seine Partner feiern die ersten Liter synthetischer Kraftstoffe von Haru Oni, Chile

Der chilenische Energieminister und der Verkehrsminister von Baden-Württemberg nahmen an der Zeremonie teil, die den Beginn einer neuen Ära einleitet: CO2-neutrale E-Fuels zur Beschleunigung der Dekarbonisierung Die Pilotanlage von HIF Global in Haru Oni verfügt über ein Weltklasseteam, darunter Porsche, Enel Green Power, ENAP, Siemens Energy, GASCO und ExxonMobil. HIF Global, das weltweit führende E-Fuels-Unternehmen, feiert

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HIF Global and its partners celebrate the first liters of synthetic fuels from Haru Oni, Chile

Chile Minister of Energy and Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport attend ceremony marking the beginning of a new era: carbon-neutral eFuels to accelerate decarbonization now. HIF Global’s Haru Oni Demonstration Plant features a world-class team including Porsche, Enel Green Power, ENAP, Siemens Energy, Gasco, and ExxonMobil. HIF Global, the world’s leading eFuels company, together with its partners, authorities, and community representatives, celebrates

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Seabound Partners with Crestchic Loadbank to Test Its Carbon Capture Technology for Ships

London-based Climate-tech startup Seabound has partnered with Crestchic Loadbanks, a provider of load bank testing equipment, to test Seabound’s carbon capture technology for ships, reported Offshore Energy on 11 January.  Seabound’s innovation captures and stores CO2 from fuel exhaust. The company claims the device can capture up to 95% of CO2 emissions per ship.  The technology works by diverting

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Biotechnologisches CO2-Recycling

Mit CO2 als Rohstoff Produkte erzeugen – einige Mikroorganismen können das. Dieses Dossier beleuchtet biotechnologische Ansätze für die CO2-Verwertung und stellt relevante Wirtschaftsakteure, Forschungsprojekte und Förderinitiativen auf dem Weg in eine klimaneutrale Industrieproduktion vor. Fossile Rohstoffe müssen dringend durch erneuerbare Alternativen ersetzt werden, um die Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen und die Wirtschaft krisenfest und wettbewerbsfähig aufzustellen.Bis 2050

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Cheap, sustainable hydrogen through solar power

A new kind of solar panel, developed at the University of Michigan, has achieved 9% efficiency in converting water into hydrogen and oxygen—mimicking a crucial step in natural photosynthesis. Outdoors, it represents a major leap in the technology, nearly 10 times more efficient than solar water-splitting experiments of its kind. But the biggest benefit is

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Metsä Group and VR intensify their cooperation on sustainability

The companies are intensifying their cooperation on sustainability in logistics and have agreed a new joint target to halve emissions from transport covered by their cooperation by 2030. In addition, Metsä Group aims to transfer some of its current road transports to railways. For Metsä Group, the measures would represent a total emission reduction of

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Solar-powered system converts plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, developed the system, which can convert two waste streams into two chemical products at the same time – the first time this has been achieved in a solar-powered reactor. The reactor converts carbon dioxide (CO2) and plastics into different products that are useful in a range of industries.

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