Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

ICM becomes exclusive distributor of Visionary Fiber Technologies’ fiber reactor

ICM Inc. is the exclusive distributor and EPC contractor for Visionary Fiber Technologies Inc.'s re...

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Scientists Report Efficient Utilization of Waste Paper for Cellulase Production by Trichoderma longiflorum

In China, researchers at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (C...

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Free webinars: All About RC(I)

When: 14 July 2021 – 14:00 (CET) and 17 August 2021 – 14:00 (CET) Webinar link for the 14 July: code: 166022 Webinar link for the 17 August: Pass code: 319136 Discuss the concept of renewable carbon and get answers to all your questions. Get to know the people and companies behind the

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Sulzer and Blue Planet announce partnership to reduce CO2 emissions to sustainably transform the cement industry

Sulzer is enabling the further development and optimization of Blue Planet’s innovative carbon mineralization process for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) solutions. The ground-breaking process will leverage Sulzer’s carbon reduction technologies to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from industrial activities, for example by supporting the cement industry to produce carbon neutral or carbon negative

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Sulzer und Blue Planet geben Partnerschaft zur Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen bekannt, um den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen Zementindustrie zu beschleunigen

Sulzer ermöglicht die Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung des innovativen Kohlenstoffmineralisierungsprozesses von Blue Planet zur Abscheidung, Nutzung und Speicherung von Kohlenstoff (sog. CCUS-System). Das bahnbrechende Verfahren nutzt Sulzer-Technologie zur Kohlenstoffreduzierung, um die Treibhausgasemissionen aus dem industriellen Betrieb zu senken. Der Prozess wird unter anderem die Zementindustrie bei der Herstellung von kohlenstoffneutralem oder kohlenstoffnegativem Beton unterstützen. Das US-amerikanische

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Conoship responds to World Bank’s stance on LNG

Taking issue with the findings of a report published by the World Bank in April, ship design and engineering company Conoship says there is a ‘bright future for LNG in the decarbonisation of the shipping industry’. Netherlands-based Conoship argued that in in relation to marine carbon capture systems, the World Bank report ‘seemed to have

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Introducing HY-CAT, a project devoted to finding better catalysts to spur a CO2 circular economy

However, as CO2 is a very stable molecule, efficient catalysts to break its bonds are needed. The ERC-supported HY-CAT project aims to identify and develop better catalytic systems to convert CO2 into value-added chemicals whilst storing renewable energies. The world’s current dependence on fossil fuels requires us to capture and store the CO2 human civilisation

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Das Projekt HY-CAT widmet sich der Suche nach besseren Katalysatoren, um eine CO2-Kreislaufwirtschaft voranzutreiben

Da CO2 jedoch ein sehr stabiles Molekül ist, sind effiziente Katalysatoren zum Aufbrechen seiner Bindungen erforderlich. Das vom Europäischen Forschungsrat geförderte Projekt HY-CAT hat die Identifizierung und Entwicklung besserer Katalysatorsysteme zur Umwandlung von CO2 in wertschöpfende Chemikalien bei gleichzeitiger Speicherung erneuerbarer Energien zum Ziel. Die derzeitige Abhängigkeit der Welt von fossilen Brennstoffen macht es erforderlich,

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Japan to expand cross-sector use of synthetic methane

Japan is working on technology innovation to produce methane, seeking to expand the use of synthetic methane as the primary feedstock for domestic piped gas supplies and as a marine fuel.Premier Yoshihide Suga’s government yesterday drafted a rev...

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Saving the climate with solar fuel

Produced in a sustainable way, synthetic fuels contribute to switching mobility to renewable energy and to achieving the climate goals in road traffic. In Empa’s mobility demonstrator, move, researchers are investigating the production of synthet...

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