Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Carbon negative material company wins Circularity Accelerate contest

German company Made of Air won the crowd vote last week at GreenBiz Group’s Circularity 21 pitch competition. The company, which competed with four other circular economy startups, received praise from investment professionals Ellen Martin, chief impact officer of Circulate Capital, and Jessica Long, managing director and chief strategy officer of Closed Loop Partners.  Made of Air is

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Umschwung für die chemische Industrie: VIVALDI verwandelt CO2-Emissionen in nachhaltige Bioprodukte

Im Juni 2021 startet das EU Horizon 2020 Projekt “VIVALDI – innoVative bio-based chains for CO2 VALorisation as aDded-value organIc acids”. „VIVALDI entwickelt Biotechnologien, um industrielle CO2-Emissionen in hochwertige Chemikalien umzuwandeln, und so unsere Abhängigkeit von fossilen Rohstoffen zu durchbrechen. Unsere BOKU-Expertise mit industriellen Hefestämmen ist ein zentrales Element dieses Upcyclings. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit

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A change of tune for chemical industry: VIVALDI turns CO2 emissions into sustainable bio-products

To reach climate targets, industries need to accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon, resource efficient and circular economy. The chemical sector is one of the most challenging, but also a very promising one, in that context. At the forefront of waste reutilization, bio-based industries (BIs) have the potential to lead the way and create a

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Hybrid Catalyst Technology for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Conversion

Carbon dioxide emissions, climate change, and fossil fuels – three well-known issues causing catastrophic environmental damage. In the past, fossil fuels were heavily relied upon, but supplies are diminishing rapidly. While new sources have replaced them, the damage caused by releasing huge amounts of harmful carbon dioxide over the last century has resulted in a

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Why a carbon tax is the most effective price signal for the building sector

A carbon tax on the fuel used to heat Europe's buildings is the most effective price signal to decar...

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Sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er cli­mate im­pact of con­trails when us­ing sus­tain­able fu­els

The warming effect from contrails represents the largest contributor to the climate impact of air transport, having an even greater effect than carbon dioxide. Now, researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR), working together with the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), have found that the climate impact

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Deut­lich ge­rin­ge­re Kli­ma­wir­kung von Kon­dens­strei­fen durch nach­hal­ti­ge Kraft­stof­fe

(dpa) Der Einsatz nachhaltiger Kraftstoffe im Luftverkehr reduziert Untersuchungen zufolge die Klim...

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Wie sinnvoll ist die CO₂-Entfernung aus der Atmosphäre?

Klimaneutralität bis zum Jahr 2045 – das ist das neue Ziel der Bundesregierung. Dafür müssen die Emissionen in allen Sektoren der Wirtschaft und im Verkehr ebenso sinken wie die der Privathaushalte. Über die konkreten Maßnahmen wird spätestens nach der Bundestagswahl erbittert gestritten werden. Neben der Vermeidung von Treibhausgasen könne auch das aktive Entfernen von CO₂ aus der

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No other option for businesses but to go green: Mukesh Ambani

The primary challenge post pandemic is to get rid of vaccination divide and a digital access divide, Mukesh Ambani said The world has no option but to do business in a sustainable manner, and Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) will transform each of its units as its strives to achieve net zero-carbon emissions by 2035, chairman

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Neste and Boston Consulting Group announce new sustainable aviation fuel partnership to reduce the climate impact of business air travel

Neste and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) have signed a new agreement for the purchase of Neste MY Su...

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