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Life Cycle Analysis Indicates Favorable CO2 savings for Agilyx Chemical Recycling Technology

 Agilyx Corporation (AGLX), a wholly owned subsidiary of Agilyx AS (Euronext Growth (Oslo): “AGLX”) and a pioneer in the chemical recycling of post-use plastics, announced today Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) results for its chemical recycling technology. Agilyx participated in the Styrenics Circular Solutions LCA, contributing data for its depolymerization technology. The SCS LCA focused on closed loop recycling

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Der EU Green Deal ist ein Gamechanger für die Prozessindustrie, doch nur die wenigsten Unternehmen kennen die Spielregeln

Viele Unternehmen der Chemie-, Pharma-, Öl- und Gasindustrie sehen im Green Deal der Europäischen Union mehr Chancen als Risiken für die eigene zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Allerdings sind nur einem Drittel der Unternehmen die genauen Ziele des Green Deals überhaupt bekannt und nicht wenige tappen hier noch im Dunkeln, wie das Stimmungsbarometer der Management- und Technologieberatung BearingPoint

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Giving up on climate change? EU says no way – invests €118M in decarbonizing projects

The Olympics in Tokyo just ended and it is slated to be one of the hottest on record with extreme heat and humidity forcing changes to track, tennis and women’s soccer schedules. But there’s the problem. Talk of adapting sports calendars around climate change that make it harder for athletes to be, well, athletes, rather than talking

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Scientists show a single catalyst can perform the first step of turning CO2 into fuel in two very different ways

Virtually all chemical and fuel production relies on catalysts, which accelerate chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. Most of these reactions take place in huge reactor vessels and may require high temperatures and pressures. Scientists have been working on alternative ways to drive these reactions with electricity, rather than heat. This could potentially

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NREL: Scientists to develop CO2-free fermentation technology

As much as one-third of the carbon in sugar is lost as carbon dioxide (CO2) during fermentation processes that use biomass to make renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) aim to solve both challenges after receiving a nearly $3 million award from the U.S. Department of

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Covestro contributes to sustainability at major sporting event with innovative CO₂ technology

Another important application of CO2-based material cardyon® Sustaining efforts to advance circularity by replacing petroleum Covestro is using its cutting-edge carbon dioxide technology to contribute to a circular economy. For example, Covestro partnered with Australia-based Advanced Polymer Technology (APT) – a leading global manufacturer of polyurethane-based materials, acrylic coatings and artificial turf products – to develop the exclusive

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Covestro trägt mit innovativer CO₂-Technologie zur Nachhaltigkeit bei sportlichem Großereignis bei

Weitere Anwendung des CO2-basierten Produkts cardyon® Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft durch Teilersatz von Erdöl Covestro nutzt seine hochmoderne Kohlendioxid-Technologie, um einen Beitrag zur Kreislaufwirtschaft zu leisten. So kooperierte Covestro mit der in Australien ansässigen Advanced Polymer Technology (APT) – einem weltweit führenden Hersteller von Materialien auf Polyurethanbasis, Acrylbeschichtungen und Kunstrasenprodukten –, um in Verbindung mit dem Sportbodenhersteller Polytan den exklusiven Hockeybelag

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XPRIZE Carbon Removal Team Matchmaking Series Spotlight

On July 14, XPRIZE Carbon Removal hosted its first team matchmaking webinar. Ten exciting teams working on everything from ocean alkalinization, solar biomass digestion, robotic mineralization, and carbon negative building materials signed up to pitch a 2-minute overview of their carbon removal solutions and the specific skillsets they are looking to recruit on their team.

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World’s first ‘green’ synthesis of plastics from CO2

By combining a CeO2 catalyst with atmospheric carbon dioxide, researchers from Osaka City University, Tohoku University, and Nippon Steel Corporation have developed an effective catalytic process for the direct synthesis of polycarbonate diols without using dehydrating agents. Their method, published in Green Chemistry, does not rely on toxic chemical feedstock like phosgene and carbon monoxide, making it

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Shell and Uniper join forces to drive development of hydrogen economy in Europe

Shell Gas & Power Developments B.V. (“Shell”) and Uniper Hydrogen GmbH (“Uniper”) have signed a memorandum of understanding (“MoU”) to explore accelerating the development of a hydrogen economy in Europe. Under the MoU they intend to find joint opportunities to couple industrial and mobility demand with hydrogen supply, production and storage. The companies will begin

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