Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

EU carbon price could hit €100 by year end after record run – analysts

Europe’s benchmark carbon price is on track to hit €100 a tonne by the end of the year, analysts said, after it reached a new record high of €89.37 a tonne on Wednesday (8 December), marking a near 50% rise since the start of November. The European Union’s emissions trading system (ETS), which requires manufacturers,

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Political Tailwind for Alternative Carbon Sources

The political situation for renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling for the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry has begun to shift fundamentally in Europe. For the first time, important policy papers from Brussels and Germany take into consideration that the term decarbonisation alone is not sufficient, and that there are important industrial

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Advances in converting CO2 into polymers

The chemical industry’s demand for carbon continues to grow, and so does the need to lower its dependency on fossil fuels. This, coupled with the goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, has accelerated feedstock innovations. Along with new generations of bio-based feedstocks and advanced recycled raw materials, the industry is actively exploring carbon capture

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Covestro CEO Dr. Markus Steilemann Featured in Newsletter

“My north star is the Covestro vision of making the world a brighter place. This applies to conserving our environment and creating a sustainable economic order that unites value creation and wellbeing. And… we need fair, integrative societies that are more just, more tolerant and more cohesive.” A visionary and very active leader, Dr. Steilemann

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From pollutant to product: the companies making stuff from CO2

In a warehouse laboratory in Berkeley, California, Nicholas Flanders stands in front of a shiny metal box about the size of a washing machine. Inside is a stack of metal plates that resemble a club sandwich – only the filling is a black polymer membrane coated with proprietary metal catalyst. “We call the membrane the

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Policy critical to unlock Carbon Capture and Utilisation in Europe

In order to tap the great potential held by carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors, the industry must learn to successfully navigate Europe’s complex regulatory context. So said Célia Sapart, Director Communications and Climate Science – CO2 Value Europe, at in an Enlit Europe session that provided practical insights into how CCU

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Enerkem achieves a major breakthrough by producing sustainable aviation fuel from local forest biomass

Enerkem, a world leader in the production of biofuels from waste materials, is proud to have achieved a major breakthrough in converting carbon from forest biomass into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) using its proprietary thermochemical process. This important milestone was achieved at Enerkem’s Innovation Centre in Westbury, Quebec.  It will be followed by the demonstration

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nova’s experts (re)introduced: Guido Müller

Guido Müller joined nova-Institute in January 2017 as manager for marketing communication and dissemination. Soon after, he joined management as head of communication and successfully expanding nova’s activities in project dissemination and communication as well as sales activities of nova’s trend and market studies, Guido took over the role as key account manager in 2020.

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Energy Conversion: Make carbonate not carbon dioxide

Nature knows several ways how to capture carbon dioxide (CO2). The most prominent one is photosynthesis, where sun light is used to fix CO2 into biomass. Nowadays, research groups around the world try hard to mimic this process and to realize artificial photosynthesis. The ultimate goal is to efficiently ‘photo-transform’ CO2 into synthetic fuels. However, nature

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Neue Methode: Karbonat statt Kohlendioxid

Die Natur kennt mehrere Wege, wie das Molekül Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) gebunden werden kann. Der bekannteste ist die Photosynthese. Dabei wird Sonnenlicht benutzt, um CO2 in Biomasse umzuwandeln. Forschungsgruppen weltweit bemühen sich, diesen Prozess nachzuahmen und eine sogenannte künstliche Photosynthese zu realisieren. Ziel ist hierbei, CO2 mit Hilfe von Licht effizient in synthetische Brennstoffe zu transformieren. Die Natur

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