All post items with tag CCU
The Horizon Europe project WaterProof is developing an innovative process for the electrochemical conversion of CO₂-emissions from waste incineration and wastewater treatment into formic acid. This formic acid is a base chemical that can be used for the production of consumer goods such as decalcifier in cleaning products or for the tanning of (fish) leather.
SABIC, a global leader in the chemical industry, today announced the launch of its new certified low carbon product portfolio. As part of the company’s 2050 carbon neutrality pledge, this initiative will help support our customers and value chain to achieve their sustainability goals when looking for products with lower product carbon footprint. The first
The chemicals industry depends heavily on finite fossil fuel feedstocks and is responsible for 2% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. A new report from market intelligence firm IDTechEx explores how captured CO2 could be utilized as a feedstock for hundreds of different chemicals instead, providing an economic and environmental incentive to capture carbon dioxide and create a circular economy.
1) General Meeting of the RCI The 4th General Meeting of the RCI took place from 30 September to 1 October 2024, at the Hyatt Regency in Cologne. The event witnessed a strong turnout, with 55 RCI members attending in person and an additional 11 joining remotely. The agenda on the first day commenced with
Die Familie der Klimalieblinge von KANN wächst um ein bedeutendes Mitglied. Der neuartige Pflasterstein ProKlima Zero reduziert 100% CO2 gegenüber einem herkömmlich hergestellten Betonpflaster. Dies gelingt durch den Einsatz eines innovativen CO2-speichernden Rohstoffs Damit lassen sich Pflasterflächen, bezogen auf das verwendete Steinmaterial, mit äußerst geringem CO2-Fußabdruck anlegen. Die Kompensation des CO2 findet beim ProKlima Zero nicht extern
Für 2050 hat die EU Klimaneutralität beschlossen – man halt somit im Prinzip für jede noch emittierte Tonne CO2 eine Tonne aus der Atmosphäre zurück. Eine Schlüsselrolle auf dem Weg dorthin könnte eine Europäische Kohlenstoff-Zentralbank spielen – und mit marktwirtschaftlichen Anreizen die Weichen stellen, dass die Emissionsbilanz in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahrhunderts netto-negativ, Europa sozusagen
Dependence on fossil fuels such as crude oil and gas – the main cause of climate change – must end! Political support is essential to successfully implement this shift to renewable carbon use. The RCI Manifesto outlines seven key recommendations for the next European Commission to turn this vision into reality. Read more: The Renewable
Lummus Technology, a global provider of process technologies and value-driven energy solutions, and Biohydrogen Technologies have announced an agreement to develop and deploy advanced synthesis gas reactor technology primarily for the production of blue hydrogen. Lummus’ Green Circle business unit will provide to Biohydrogen Technologies its expertise in hydrogen and synthesis gas plant design, reactor
Es umfasst eine Fläche von 3.700 m2 und liegt direkt neben dem Werksgelände der thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG in Duisburg: Im Carbon2Chem®-Technikum wird die technische Umsetzung des im Verbundprojekt entwickelten Konzeptes zur Kreislaufführung von CO2 unter realen Bedingungen getestet. Einen virtuellen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Anlagen konnten die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Workshops »Every day for
Meanwhile, European investments in renewables halved in 2023. But Brussels still has the potential to ramp up domestic production by building on the successes of the European Green Deal, write Markus Pieper and Bernd Weber. Dr Markus Pieper is a German politician and Member of the European Parliament for Germany. He is a member of