Post archive with tag CCU

All post items with tag CCU

Towards a zero-emission construction trade

Al last, the need to work towards zero-emission construction seems to dawn on the construction trade. Not an easy task, as the volume of building projects around the world is still growing. But at least, some in the branch have started thinking about how to achieve this goal. 8% of world-wide CO2 emissions A recent issue of

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This Simple Material Could Scrub Carbon Dioxide From Power Plant Smokestacks

How can we remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from fossil-fuel power plant exhaust before it ever reaches the atmosphere? New findings suggest a promising answer lies in a simple, economical and potentially reusable material analyzed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where scientists from several institutions have determined why this material

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Engineered living photosynthetic biocomposites for intensified biological carbon capture

Abstract Carbon capture and storage is required to meet Paris Agreement targets. Photosynthesis is nature’s carbon capture technology. Drawing inspiration from lichen, we engineered 3D photosynthetic cyanobacterial biocomposites (i.e., lichen mimics) using acrylic latex polymers applied to loofah sponge. Biocomposites had CO2 uptake rates of 1.57 ± 0.08 g CO2 g−1biomass d−1. Uptake rates were based on the dry biomass at

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Center researches e-fuels, carbon capture

LEC was founded to comply with the COMET Programme (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) of the Austrian federal government, financed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, as well as the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. COMET centers, such as the LEC, are tasked with developing solutions for

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Industry calls for action on Sustainable Carbon Cycles

Disclaimer: RCI members are a diverse group of companies addressing the challenges of the transition to renewable carbon with different approaches. The opinions expressed in this press release may not reflect the exact individual policies and views of all RCI members. The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), an interest group of leading companies and pioneers from

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‘False solutions’: scepticism over Saudi carbon capture plan

Saudi Arabia is bolstering years of negotiation tactics designed to stymie vital climate negotiations with a focus on carbon capture technologies that experts say risk delaying a meaningful transition from fossil fuels. The kingdom, which is the world’s second largest oil producer, accounting for roughly 15% of global output, announced plans at Cop27 in Egypt

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New study by the University of Bayreuth: Biodegradable microplastics in soils cause CO₂ emissions to rise

This is shown by an interdisciplinary study published in “Applied Soil Ecology” by the Collaborative Research Centre 1357 “Microplastics” at the University of Bayreuth. In this study, experts in soil ecology and ecological microbiology compare the effects of a conventional and a biodegradable plastic in different soils in a systematic way for the first time.

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Neue Studie der Universität Bayreuth: Bioabbaubares Mikroplastik in Böden lässt CO₂-Emissionen ansteigen

Dies zeigt eine interdisziplinäre, in „Applied Soil Ecology“ veröffentlichte Studie des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1357 „Mikroplastik“ an der Universität Bayreuth. Expert*innen für Bodenökologie und ökologische Mikrobiologie vergleichen darin erstmals in systematischer Form die Auswirkungen eines herkömmlichen und eines bioabbaubaren Kunststoffs in unterschiedlichen Böden. Auch die Folgen für die mikrobielle Biomasse in den Böden, insbesondere für Bakterien und

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“Man muss neu denken”

Früher hat der österreichisch-bayerische Unternehmer Frank Obrist CO2-freie Klimaanlagen für die Autoindustrie entwickelt. Jetzt will Obrist das für die Erderwärmung verantwortliche Kohlendioxid aus der Atmosphäre holen. “Es reicht nicht, klimaneutral zu werden”, sagt der 61 Jahre alte Firmenchef, “die Menschheit muss in den kommenden Jahrzehnten einen Teil der emittierten Treibhausgase wieder aus Atmosphäre entfernen.” Sein

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Die 5. Konferenz zur nachhaltigen chemischen Konversion in der Industrie beleuchtete Technologien zur Realisierung einer Circular Economy

Welche Ergebnisse haben die Carbon2Chem®-Forschenden im vergangenen Jahr erzielt? Und wie weit sind ihre Entwicklungen von einer industriellen Anwendung entfernt? Antworten auf diese Fragen lieferte die 5. Konferenz zur nachhaltigen chemischen Konversion in der Industrie am 3. November 2022 in Düsseldorf. Eingeladen hatten die Koordinatoren des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projektes: das

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