All post items with tag CCU
Mehr als 245 Teilnehmende aus 30 Ländern weltweit nahmen an der Verleihung des Innovationspreises „Best CO2Utilisation 2023“ im Rahmen der Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023 ( in Köln, Deutschland, und online teil. Die Konferenz ist eine der weltweit etabliertesten Veranstaltungen zum Thema CCU für die gesamte Power-to-X-Branche und ihre Kunden. Bei der diesjährigen
The Carbominer’s team has completed a pilot of a 1.2t Direct Air Capture (DAC) machine with the largest international building materials group in Vyshneve, Kyiv region, Ukraine. The pilot’s goal was to serve as proof-of-concept for Carbominer’s DAC technology, measure its key performance indicators, and obtain a third-party validation report. Direct Air Capture of CO2
Algen haben viele Talente. Sie reinigen Abwässer, liefern wichtige Inhaltsstoffe für die Pharma- oder Kosmetikindustrie oder sie dienen als alternative Quelle für Treibstoff. Neben ihrer Funktion als Rohstofflieferant können Algen aber vor allem eins: Sie binden große Mengen des Klimagases CO2. Hier setzt die Arbeit des Start-ups MACROCARBON an – eine Ausgründung des Alfred-Wegener-Instituts, Helmholtz-Zentrum
h-PdMo, a recently discovered catalyst, can convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into useful methanol at room temperature and low-pressure conditions, as demonstrated by researchers at Tokyo Tech. This novel compound, which is thermally and chemically stable in air, represents a new milestone in CO2 conversion via hydrogenation and could be key to slow down climate change. Being
Der europäische CO2-Markt zwingt Kraftwerke und Fabriken dazu, CO2-Zertifikate zu kaufen, wenn sie die Umwelt verschmutzen. Dadurch konnten die Emissionen dieser Sektoren seit 2005 um 43 Prozent gesenkt werden. Jedoch steht der CO2-Markt nun vor einer grundlegenden Überarbeitung, um die ehrgeizigen europäischen Klimaziele zu erreichen. Das Parlament stimmte mit großer Mehrheit für eine Vereinbarung, auf
Parliament voted to approve, with a large majority, a deal agreed last year by negotiators from EU countries and Parliament to reform the carbon market and cut EU emissions by 62% below 2005 levels by 2030. Under the upgrade, factories will lose the free CO2 permits they currently receive by 2034, and shipping emissions will
Cemvita, the standard for biosolutions in the energy industry, today announced the opening of a pilot plant in Houston, TX. The plant marks a landmark step in the development of technology for using CO2 emissions as feedstock to produce valuable biocommodities including fertilizer, plastic, methane, and fuels. The opening of the pilot plant also marks the
More than 245 participants from 30 countries across the world attended the Innovation Award ceremony at the Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023 ( in Cologne, Germany and online. The conference is one of the most established events on CCU for the entire Power-to-X industry and its customers worldwide. This year’s 11th edition showcased
AIMPLAS, participates in a new European project bringing to the market high-quality polyester textile products from the valorisation of CO2 waste streams. Threading-CO2 aims to scale-up and demonstrate its first-of-its-kind technology producing high-quality commercially viable sustainable PET textile products from CO2 waste streams at industrial scale. The overall objective of this research is to significantly reduce the carbon footprint
An electrolyzer system utilizes electricity to break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Through this process, the electrolyzer system produces hydrogen, and the leftover oxygen is released into the atmosphere or can be captured or stored to supply other industrial processes or even medical gases, in some cases. There are four main ways that electrolyzers