All post items with tag CCU
Publication of RCI’s scientific background report on “Making a case for Carbon Capture and Utilisation – It Is Much More Than Just a Carbon Removal Technology” This new scientific background report was published on 13 July 2023 and is a deep dive into the many benefits and solutions where the technology of CCU can play
HYCO1 is a Houston, Texas (USA) based technology company that has created a disruptive CO2 conversion catalyst and related low-cost CO2 process technology. HYCO1 CUBE™ Technology (Carbon Utilization, Best Efficiency) cost-effectively utilizes carbon dioxide and various methane source feedstocks to create low-cost, low-carbon chemical grade syngas in a single pass. The syngas produced is used to produce low carbon
The 21st National Congress on Catalysis of China (NCC) was held on July 21-25 in Kunming, China, with more than 3000 participants The awardee, Prof. Dr. Xinhe Bao, is a world-renowned physical chemist, engaged in research of new catalyst materials for clean and efficient energy conversion, among others Clariant, a sustainability-focused specialty chemical company, announced
New technology developed by Rice University engineers could lower the cost of capturing carbon dioxide from all types of emissions, a potential game-changer for both industries looking to adapt to evolving greenhouse gas standards and for the emergent energy-transition economy. According to a study published in Nature, the system from the lab of chemical and biomolecular engineer Haotian Wang can directly remove carbon dioxide from
The captured carbon dioxide will be used by CCSL to create low-carbon and low-energy dry ice for use in the food, cold logistics and pharmaceutical industries. Richard Nimmons, Director of Carbon Capture Scotland Limited said, “CCSL’s partnership with Iona will accelerate our business growth in our home market of Scotland and further afield. Importantly, it
These ground-breaking credits from the 2023 harvest, are based on a precise quantification methodology that harnesses remote sensing technology to accurately measure CO2 sequestration at scale. As the world faces the urgent need to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Hemp Carbon Standard recognizes the immense potential of industrial hemp cultivation in sequestering
Twelve, the carbon transformation company, broke ground on its commercial-scale E-Jet® fuel production facility in Moses Lake, Washington. The company marked the occasion with remarks by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, Washington State Sen. Julie Warnick, and a panel conversation on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) between Twelve Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer, Etosha Cave, Alaska Airlines VP of
CCU enables the substitution of fossil carbon in sectors where carbon is necessary, supports the full defossilisation of the chemical and derived material industries, creates a circular economy, reduces the emission gap, promotes sustainable carbon cycles, fosters innovation, generates local value and stimulates job growth. The Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), an alliance of more than
CCU ermöglicht die Substitution von fossilem Kohlenstoff in Sektoren, die Kohlenstoff benötigen, unterstützt die vollständige Defossilisierung der Chemie- und Werkstoffindustrie, schafft eine Kreislaufwirtschaft, reduziert die Emissionslücke, fördert nachhaltige Kohlenstoffkreisläufe, fördert Innovation, schafft lokale Wertschöpfung und stimuliert Beschäftigungswachstum. Die Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), ein Zusammenschluss von mehr als 60 renommierten Unternehmen, KMUs und Start-ups, hat das
Die Chemieindustrie wird sich auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität stärker als bislang auf Recycling und den Einsatz erneuerbarer Rohstoffe fokussieren müssen. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine Studie des Thinktanks Agora Energiewende, die dem Handelsblatt vorliegt. Frank Peter, Direktor Industrie bei Agora Energiewende, sagte dem Handelsblatt, für die Branche werde zwar der Einsatz von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff