Wissenschaftler wollen vielversprechende katalytische Verfahren zur Nutzung von CO2 gemeinsam mit Partnern aus der Industrie bis zur Einsatzreife weiterentwickeln
The aviation industry is an emitter of CO2 and air travel continues to increase. Unlike cars, airplanes cannot switch to electric or hydrogen propulsion in the short-term
Researchers at Uppsala University have successfully produced microorganisms that can efficiently produce the alcohol butanol using carbon dioxide and solar energy
New strains of cyanobacteria which use photosynthesis to convert CO2 into carbon negative industrial chemicals and fuels, such as butanol, pentanol and other higher alcohols
Die biologische Methanisierung ist ein wichtiger Baustein im sogenannten Power-to-Gas-Prozess, der in Zukunft für die saisonale Speicherung von überschüssigem erneuerbaren Strom von zentraler Bedeutung sein wird
Catalytic hydro-pyrolysis is a strong candidate for conversion of biomass into liquid fuels for vehicles and airplanes. The technology can be viewed as part of the solution to the renewable energy storage challenge
The two installations represent a total investment of 160 million euros and will avoid approximately 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year in the first phase