Researchers have been experimenting with several methods to scale up methane pyrolysis for some thirty years already. But industry shows virtually no interest
New plant is expected to produce up to 80 million liters of recycled-carbon ethanol a year and will create up to 500 construction jobs over the next two years
Power-to-Gas facility would produce carbon-neutral synthetic biogas using carbon dioxide emissions and electricity generated at the waste-to-energy plant
Two ground-breaking projects at ArcelorMittal plant in Ghent, Belgium, to considerably reduce carbon emissions by converting waste and by-products into valuable new products
Um überschüssigen Strom sinnvoll zu nutzen, sollen in der Nähe von Offshore-Windparks sogenannte Elektrolyseure installiert werden. Der dort produzierte Wasserstoff wird in bestehende Erdgaspipelines eingespeist
Industrial gas companies need to identify a suitable CO2 emission source to give it a second life by purifying it to food or industrial grade for commercial use
Air France has to halve its overall carbon-dioxide emissions per passenger-kilometre by 2030, to renew its fleet with more efficient aircraft, and to commit to sourcing 2% of its fuel requirements from sustainable sources by 2025
Annex A7 establishes criteria for the production and use of a type of synthesized paraffinic kerosene from hydrocarbon-hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids
Betrachtung der Machbarkeit einer Methanolsynthese aus erneuerbaren Energien und biogenem CO2 aus einer Bioraffinerie zur Herstellung von erneuerbarem Ethanol