As the market for utility scale storage accelerates in response to the increasing penetration of intermittent renewables (such as PV and wind), CSP will be increasingly recognised for its most important attribute: low cost thermal storage
Billionaire Mukesh Ambani on 15 July had said RIL aims to become net carbon zero by 2035. RIL is committed to embracing new technologies to convert its carbon dioxide emissions into useful products and chemicals
Die Aufsichtsbehörde (ESA) der Europäischen Freihandelsassoziation (EFTA) hat Norwegen gestattet, das CCS-Projekt Northern Lights mit bis zu 2,1 Mrd. Euro zu subventionieren
Dr. Partanen describes how she assesses the market development for biocomposites and how the competition between glass fibres and natural fibres is shaping up