New Technology Turns Delivery Boxes into Biodiesel

A newly developed technology is capable of producing biodiesel, an eco-friendly fuel for automobiles, using paper waste generated by parcel deliveries

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A new era begins: The Renewable Materials Conference, Cologne and online, 18–20 May 2021

Featuring a unique concept to present all sustainable and renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled

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First ever biodegradable clothes hanger

Hooks Creative - a Dutch company based in The Netherlands - has produced a fully biodegradable clothes hanger, made entirely of CO2 absorbing raw materials

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ANL releases 2020 updates to GREET Models

Major expansion and updates to the GREET Models for 2020 include a new “E-fuel” tab that covers several e-fuel production pathways and a carbon capture and storage option

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Porsche is researching synthetic fuels to make gas-powered cars sustainable

Synthetic fuel produced out of hydrogen and CO2 shares properties with kerosene, diesel and gasoline produced from crude oil, Porsche says

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Article in Science: Solid oxide electrolysis cell technology to unlock the full potential of renewable power

SOEC is a core technology in power-to-X solutions and offers major advantages over alternative electrolysis technologies

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The Revolutionary Technology that coverts Green Energy to Liquid Fuel using waste CO2

The new MefCO2 project aims to eliminate energy fluctuations in green energy production by transforming intermittent renewables into dispensable energy

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Cyanobacteria as “green” catalysts in biotechnology

Cyanobacteria are environmentally friendly and readily available biocatalysts for the production of new chemicals

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Cyanobakterien als „grüne“ Katalysatoren in der Biotechnologie

Cyanobakterien sind umweltfreundliche und gut verfügbare Biokatalysatoren zur Herstellung neuer Chemikalien

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Free webinar: All About RC(I)

Discussing the Renewable Carbon Strategy and Initiative

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SOL Group invests with CropEnergies €15 million in the recovery of biogenic CO2 by alcoholic fermentation in Belgium

From 2021 up to 65,000 tonnes of biogenic CO2 of the highest purity will be captured annually

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Newlight Technologies Completes $45MM Series F Expansion Finance Round

Single-use plastic demand is on the rise, driven by the world's need for products that promote hygiene and convenience

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CO2 als Rohstoff: Geförderte Versuchsanlage in Betrieb

Das Rheticus-Projekt beweist, wie die Power-to-X Idee erfolgreich in die Praxis umgesetzt werden kann

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Messer baut neue CO2-Rückgewinnungsanlage in Frankreich

Neues Werk soll Messer's CO2-Quellen weiter diversifizieren und so eine zuverlässige Gasversorgung der Kundschaft gewährleisten

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Messer to build CO2-recovery unit at Vertex Bioenergy site in France

The new plant is part of Messer’s long-term strategy to continue to diversify its CO2 sourcing and to ensure a reliable gas supply

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Amen grows carbon-negative mycelium packaging to ship its candles

New, innovative packaging was created by, based on a process developed by US company Ecovative

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Techkonzerne investieren Milliarden in umstrittene CO2-Abscheidung

Trotz des Corona-Knicks bei den CO2-Emissionen gibt es keine Kehrtwende beim Klimaschutz. US-Konzerne und die Internationale Energieagentur werben nun für die teure CO2-Abscheidungstechnik

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Neste on a journey to a carbon neutral future

Neste´s purpose is to create a healthier planet for our children. The company is committed to reduce their customers' climate emissions by 20 million tons annually by 2030, and to reach carbon neutral production by 2035

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Kaskade von Methanol zu Wasserstoff – Metha-Cycle entkoppelt Windkraft vom Strombedarf

Sektorkopplung Metha-Cycle: Interdisziplinäres Konsortium verbindet erstmals Stromerzeugung aus regenerativen Energien

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nova sucht: Projektmanager B2B-Kommunikation mit naturwissenschaftlichem Hintergrund (m/w/d)

Beschäftigung: 40 h/Woche, Festanstellung. Sie erwarten vielseitige Aufgaben in einem dynamischen und zukunftsorientierten Markt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik

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