Only capturing of carbon followed by conversion to materials, or efficient recycling will help us to reduce the need for virgin fossil carbon within the chemical sector
We report here a synthetic protocol to the fixation of carbon dioxide by converting it directly into aviation jet fuel using novel, inexpensive iron-based catalysts
Using CO2 as a feedstock for the sustainable production of aromatics through catalytic hydrogenation is an economically and environmentally viable approach
The award is new and unique worldwide. For the first time, there will be a comprehensive award for the best renewable materials – which can be produced either from biomass, directly via CO2 utilisation, or recycling.
Swansea University researchers have developed one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres, which are a vital component for carbon capture technology
Methoden, die CO2 in großem Stil in etwas Nützliches umwandeln, sind wichtig für den Klimaschutz. Eine neue Generation von Katalysatoren nutzt dafür sichtbares Licht