Power-to-X: Germany’s search for green fuels

Further processing options include the production of synthetic fuels based on hydrogen by adding CO2

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Power-to-X: Die Sehnsucht nach dem grünen Kraftstoff

Zu den Weiterverarbeitungsmöglichkeiten zählt auch die Herstellung synthetischer Kraftstoffe auf Wasserstoffbasis durch Zufuhr von CO2

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Industrielle Anwendung der Sunfire-Hochtemperaturelektrolyse startet

HYPOS-Projekt rSOC erfolgreich abgeschlossen

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Construction of Clariant’s sunliquid® plant in Romania on track for completion by the end of 2021

Construction continues with over 650 workers on site operating in full compliance with all COVID-19 pandemic precaution measurements

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Bau von Clariants sunliquid®-Anlage in Rumänien auf dem Weg zur Fertigstellung bis Ende 2021

Bauarbeiten schreiten voran mit mehr als 650 Arbeitern vor Ort und unter absoluter Einhaltung sämtlicher Massnahmen zum Schutz vor der COVID-19-Pandemie

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Two new pilot plants will test carbon capture technology developed by European CARMOF project at industrial level

Two innovative, customized industrial demonstrators combine 3D-printed nanomaterial structures with selective membranes for capturing and separating CO2

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Microbial Electrosynthesis: Where Do We Go from Here?

Using present knowledge of bioelectrochemistry, it becomes apparent that the simplest gains in performance are likely to come from advancements in the reactor

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Perstorp plan to reduce carbon emission with half million tons by producing sustainable methanol

Project AIR will build a first-of-a-kind, large scale, commercial Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) unit to produce sustainable methanol

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Covestro develops sustainable cast elastomer solution for the offshore industry

CO2-based cardyon® products partly replace fossil raw materials

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Covestro entwickelt nachhaltige Gießelastomer-Lösung für die Offshore-Industrie

CO2-basierte cardyon® Produkte ersetzen zum Teil fossile Rohstoffe

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nova Session: “Renewable Polymers: Production and Trends 2020-2025”

Renewable Polymers and Building Blocks: Technologies, Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2020-2025

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American Agriculture Leaders Commend Governors for Support on Addressing Biogenic CO2 Barrier

Reynolds and Ricketts Among State Governors Urging EPA To Take Prompt Action

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Research creates hydrogen-producing living droplets, paving way for alternative future energy sources

Scientists have built tiny droplet-based microbial factories that produce hydrogen, instead of oxygen, when exposed to daylight in air

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UNIST: New Catalyst Turns Greenhouse Gases into Hydrogen Gas

Their findings have been published in Science Advances on August 26, 2020

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Hydrogen produced from nuclear will be considered ‘low-carbon’, EU official says

Nuclear power is indeed not mentioned in the EU’s hydrogen strategy

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EU-Kommission: Aus Atomkraft produzierter Wasserstoff ist „CO2-arm“

Wasserstoff wird als Mittel zur Dekarbonisierung von Schwerindustrien wie der Chemie- und Stahlindustrie oder des Fernverkehrs wie der Luft- und Schifffahrt gesehen

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Carbon-capture breakthrough could be a game-changer in utilising CO2

The CSIRO and Monash University have developed a revolutionary device that captures carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere

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UPM joins the Renewable Carbon Initiative to change the foundation of chemical industry

Just as the energy industry is converting to renewable sources, renewable carbon will become the new foundation of chemical and material industries in the future

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Total and ADNOC  sign strategic framework agreement on CO2 emission reductions and CCUS

ADNOC and Total will jointly explore opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions, improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy for oil and gas operations

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LanzaTech, Total and L’Oréal make plastic from captured CO2

First technological and industrial proving that industrial carbon emissions can be used to produce plastic

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