Scientists report a new way to extract the protein and fiber from brewer’s spent grain and use it to create new types of protein sources, biofuels and more
Pipeline giant Kinder Morgan Inc. plans to expand its carbon-capture business, joining the ranks of major oil and gas companies capitalizing on clean energy investing
Human activity generates 105bn tonnes of organic wastes (food waste, sewage and garden wastes, and farm and agricultural wastes) annually by human activity
Das Klimagas CO2 lässt sich in größere Kohlenstoffverbindungen umwandeln, die als Grundchemikalien für die Industrie oder als Kraftstoffe genutzt werden können
A new catalyst for the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into chemicals or fuels has been developed by researchers at RUB and the University of Duisburg-Essen
From international brands to leading chemical and bioeconomy companies to innovative start-ups for CO2 utilisation, companies are collaborating to guide a smart transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon
Eine neue Studie zeigt die enormen Herausforderungen der Umstellung auf synthetische Treibstoffe und den Handlungsdruck für die Politik. Corona-Krise als Chance zum Umsteuern
A new study shows the enormous challenges of sourcing synthetic fuels, and the pressure to act for politicians. The coronavirus crisis is a window of opportunity
SAFs have the potential to become a significant part of new approaches to enable an industry that relies entirely on fossil fuels today to lower carbon pollution tomorrow
Transport is responsible for 27% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and several pieces of legislation have failed to bring about major changes
Nestlé announced today that it will introduce bio-based lids and scoops made from sugar cane and its byproduct for a range of its nutrition products for infants and children