Berlin startup Made of Air has developed a bioplastic made of forest and farm waste that sequesters carbon and can be used for everything from furniture to building facades
Baker Hughes will draw from its portfolio of carbon capture technologies, including its Compact Carbon Capture design, to provide integrated solutions tailored to specific applications utilizing both CO2 sources with biogenic origin
Breaking down these tough casings and disassembling the sugar chains results in a chemical mixture that is challenging for traditional fermentation microorganisms to digest
Using algae, the selected projects will develop conversion technologies to decrease emissions, helping to reach the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of net zero emissions by 2050
Die Europäische Union hat 7 Millionen Euro für das VIVALDI-Projekt bewilligt, um die biobasierte Industrie in einen neuen, umweltfreundlicheren und wettbewerbsfähigeren Sektor zu verwandeln. Die BOKU erhielt dabei den zweitgrößten Anteil am Projektvolumen
Starting from June 2021, the EU Horizon 2020 project VIVALDI – innoVative bIo-based chains for CO2 VALorisation as aDded-value organIc acids, will develop a set of breakthrough biotechnologies
New hybrid catalyst platform aims to serve chemical manufacturers in the first instance and could save 20% of all fossil fuels for chemical processes, potentially reducing emissions by eight million tons per year
Macht es fürs Klima einen Unterschied, ob man eine Tonne CO₂ komplett einspart – oder ob man sie zwar ausstößt, aber später wieder aus der Luft holt? Eine neue Studie liefert Antworten