Some Cambridge researchers, working with a team from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, have developed a method to improve the efficiency of electrolysis by fine-tuning the solution conditions to alter the local environment of the enzymes
A new Commentary on “BECCS and its role in integrated assessment models”, looks at the latest evidence on the ability of BECCS to deliver substantial net removals of CO2 from the atmosphere
Solar fuel technology could one day turn carbon dioxide – a key greenhouse gas – into a useful industrial feedstock. This could help us to move away from fossil fuels, and towards achieving a truly circular economy
Die Technologie für solare Brennstoffe könnte eines Tages in der Lage sein, Kohlendioxid – eines der wichtigsten Treibhausgase – in einen wertvollen industriellen Rohstoff zu verwandeln. Das könnte uns dabei helfen, die Umstellung von fossilen Brennstoffen hin zu einer echten Kreislaufwirtschaft zu bewältigen
Using electricity, a new method offers the possibility of recycling CO2 while also performing a notoriously difficult reaction, producing compounds potentially useful for drug development
A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has shown how solar power can convert carbon dioxide into fuel, by using advanced materials and ultra-fast laser spectroscopy
Researchers built on LanzaTech technology to develop a new process that converts emissions from heavy industry or bio-based syngas, into either acetone or IPA, using an engineered bacterium called Clostridium autoethanogenum
The team of Swiss-based scientists explain that all of the products from their photo-thermal (light and heat based) technique can be captured, including CO2, making it economical and climate safe
"We have been joined by an amazing transformation and that’s been due to capital markets and investors who are starting to say they want their money put into work that is ESG responsible,” said Kambeitz, one of the company founders