How NovoNutrients upcycles CO2 into alternative proteins for human and animal food

The company mixes CO2, hydrogen and a naturally occurring microbe, then ferments it to create high-grade protein with several potential uses

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New, nature-inspired concepts for turning CO2 into clean fuels

Some Cambridge researchers, working with a team from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, have developed a method to improve the efficiency of electrolysis by fine-tuning the solution conditions to alter the local environment of the enzymes

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“Look before you Leap”: European Science Academies Caution against Subsidies for Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

A new Commentary on “BECCS and its role in integrated assessment models”, looks at the latest evidence on the ability of BECCS to deliver substantial net removals of CO2 from the atmosphere

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Twelve and LanzaTech Partner to Create Ethanol From CO2

Collaborative process seeks to eliminate the fossil fuel impact of ethanol production

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Six Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies for a sustainable chemical and fuel production nominated for the Innovation Award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2022”

Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2022 – Cologne (Germany) and online, hybrid conference, 23-24 March 2022

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Solar fuel breakthrough promises new industrial era

Solar fuel technology could one day turn carbon dioxide – a key greenhouse gas – into a useful industrial feedstock. This could help us to move away from fossil fuels, and towards achieving a truly circular economy

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Durchbruch bei solaren Brennstoffen verspricht ein neues industrielles Zeitalter

Die Technologie für solare Brennstoffe könnte eines Tages in der Lage sein, Kohlendioxid – eines der wichtigsten Treibhausgase – in einen wertvollen industriellen Rohstoff zu verwandeln. Das könnte uns dabei helfen, die Umstellung von fossilen Brennstoffen hin zu einer echten Kreislaufwirtschaft zu bewältigen

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CO2 recycling and efficient drug development – tackling two problems with one reaction

Using electricity, a new method offers the possibility of recycling CO2 while also performing a notoriously difficult reaction, producing compounds potentially useful for drug development

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CO₂-Recycling und effiziente Arzneimittelentwicklung – zwei Probleme mit einer Reaktion angehen

Großer Durchbruch, da CO₂ verwendet wird, um eine traditionell schwierige chemische Reaktion mit noch nie dagewesener Effizienz durchzuführen

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Durchbruch bei der Umwandlung von CO2 in Kraftstoff mithilfe von Sonnenenergie

Wichtiges Puzzlestück für die künftige Verringerung der Treibhausgaskonzentration in der Atmosphäre

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Breakthrough in converting CO2 into fuel using solar energy

A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has shown how solar power can convert carbon dioxide into fuel, by using advanced materials and ultra-fast laser spectroscopy

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Carbon-negative platform turns waste gases into valuable chemicals

Researchers built on LanzaTech technology to develop a new process that converts emissions from heavy industry or bio-based syngas, into either acetone or IPA, using an engineered bacterium called Clostridium autoethanogenum

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Our first chapter: raising $4.5M to bring planet-positive textiles to the fashion industry

Join us on our mission to build the world’s most sustainable supply chains for people and planet

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Light-Blasting Bananas Could Prove to Be Renewable

The team of Swiss-based scientists explain that all of the products from their photo-thermal (light and heat based) technique can be captured, including CO2, making it economical and climate safe

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Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals

Join our conference and meet forerunners in CO2 utilisation / 23-24 March 2022, hybrid event – Cologne (Germany)

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Bacteria upcycle carbon waste into valuable chemicals

Engineered bacteria convert captured carbon dioxide into chemicals for fuels, fabric and cosmetics

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Klimafreundliches Verfahren: Bakterien bilden Chemikalien aus CO2

Modifizierte Bakterien wandeln CO2 in Additive für Treibstoffe, Stoffe, und Kosmetika um

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Veterans Delta CleanTech on carbon capture: ‘Utilization is the key’

"We have been joined by an amazing transformation and that’s been due to capital markets and investors who are starting to say they want their money put into work that is ESG responsible,” said Kambeitz, one of the company founders

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Stefan Schlüter und Tim Schulzke über nachhaltige Methanolproduktion

Fraunhofer UMSICHT-Interview vom 20.01.2022: "Dank der Simulationen können wir einen technisch möglichen Rahmen definieren"

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