Electrochemical transformation of CO₂, a natural polymer for paper and cardboard coating and material-to-material molecular recycling of plastic waste are the winners of the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2022”
Elektrochemische Umwandlung von CO2, ein natürliches Polymer zur Beschichtung von Papier und Pappe, und molekulares Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen sind die Gewinner des Innovationspreises "Renewable Material of the Year 2022"
An international research team led by researchers of Stockholm University has for the first time been able to study the surface of a copper-zinc catalyst when carbon dioxide is reduced to methanol
Carbon Collect’s MechanicalTree, based on the research of ASU engineer Klaus Lackner, will collect carbon from the atmosphere and help fight climate change
Artificial upcycling of carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added products in a sustainable manner represents an opportunity to tackle environmental issues and realize a circular economy