Fairbrics Raises €22 M to Bring to Market its CO2-Based Polyester Fiber and Reduce the Textile Industry’s Carbon Footprint

€17 M come from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Program and 5 M€ from Partners to the Technology Upscaling Project

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Fairbrics beschafft 22 Millionen €, um seine CO2-basierte Polyesterfaser auf den Markt zu bringen und die Kohlenstoffbilanz der Textilindustrie zu reduzieren

17 Millionen € kommen aus dem Horizon 2020 Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm der Europäischen Union und 5 Millionen € von Partnern des Technology Upscaling Projects

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Baustoff ohne sauberen Ersatz: Zement – die schmutzigste Industrie der Welt

ntv-Redakteur Peter Schniering im Interview mit den beiden Experten Clara Pfeffer und Christian Hermann von Future Cleantech Architecs (FCA) im "Klima-Labor" von ntv

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Aker Carbon Capture enters Finnish Power-to-X market

The St1 Power-to-Methanol Lappeenranta project use the hard-to-abate carbon dioxide emissions from the limestone raw-material at the Finnsementti factory

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E-fuel delivery for the shipping industry

MPC Container Ships and INERATEC sign offtake agreement for sustainable marine diesel

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Lieferung von E-Fuel für den Schiffssektor

MPC Container Ships und INERATEC unterzeichnen Abnahmevertrag für nachhaltigen Schiffsdiesel

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Buchbesprechung: Kunststoffe im Kreislauf

Vom Recycling zur Rohstoffwende

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Erstes klimaneutrales Zementwerk: EU fördert Innovationsprojekt von Holcim mit mehr als 109 Millionen Euro

Förderurkunde für Projekt Carbon2Business in Lägerdorf (Schleswig-Holstein) offiziell in Brüssel übergeben

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New method of reducing carbon dioxide could be a golden solution to pollution

A team of researchers from the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a gold-based hybrid material by modifying gold nanoparticles with a macrocyclic compound called cucurbit[6]uril (CB[6]) that allows for more efficient CO2RR than previously possible

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Project Air to receive EUR 97 million under agreement with Innovation Fund

The European Union is supporting carbon-neutrality for the European chemicals industry

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Project Air wird vom Innovationsfonds mit 97 Mio. EUR gefördert

EU fördert kohlenstoffneutrale Chemieindustrie

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Tying Onto CO₂ Utilization

Through a partnership with a South Dakota ethanol plant, Carbon Sink plans to utilize CO2 for the production of green methanol to power a shipping industry behemoth

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AIR COMPANY Awarded Additional NASA Funding to Continue its Research & Development of Kerosene-Based Rocket Fuel

With this funding, AIR COMPANY will make integral strides towards its carbon-negative rocket fuel for space applications on Earth, Mars, and beyond

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New tailwind for renewable carbon plastics in EU policy?

nova-Institute’s take on the recently published EU proposal for a Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation as well as the new policy framework for biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics

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HIF Global und seine Partner feiern die ersten Liter synthetischer Kraftstoffe von Haru Oni, Chile

Der chilenische Energieminister Diego Pardow leitete die Zeremonie, bei der ein Porsche 911 mit synthetischem Kraftstoff betankt wurde

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HIF Global and its partners celebrate the first liters of synthetic fuels from Haru Oni, Chile

Chile’s Minister of Energy, Diego Pardow, headed the ceremony where a Porsche 911 was loaded with synthetic fuel, starting a new era for the transport sector, in which fuel made with renewable power, green hydrogen, and recycled CO2

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Seabound Partners with Crestchic Loadbank to Test Its Carbon Capture Technology for Ships

Seabound’s innovation captures and stores CO2 from fuel exhaust. The company claims the device can capture up to 95% of CO2 emissions per ship

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Biotechnologisches CO2-Recycling

CO2-Recycling für den Klimaschutz und die industrielle Transformation

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