Solar fuels: How close, how real?

Could a liquid fuel technology emerge that connects solar PV to the efficiency of electric engines — but, this time with long driving range and near-instant refueling instead of laborious recharging?

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Dr. Derek Lovley joins LanzaTech’s Science Advisory Board

Microbial electrosynthesis founder to extend Innovative Carbon Capture and Reuse Platform

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Joule’s quest for fuels from CO2, sunlight and water

Can it really be done? A Tony Stark-like quest for fuels and chemicals secreted by a microbe that lives on a diet of CO2, water and sunlight?

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Umstrittenes Kältemittel – Umweltministerium unterstützt Pläne für CO2-Klimaanlagen

Deutsche Autohersteller sträuben sich gegen den von der EU verordneten Einsatz einer umstrittenen Chemikalie. Als Kühlmittel für Klimaanlagen setzen sie auf Kohlendioxid. Das Umweltministerium schlägt sich auf die Seite der Industrie - und stellt Forderungen an Brüssel

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Rosige Zeiten für künstliche Blätter

Die technische Fotosynthese zur Energiegewinnung rückt näher: Wissenschaftlern gelingt es immer besser, Brennstoff aus Licht zu produzieren

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Solar energy: Springtime for the artificial leaf

Researchers make headway in turning photons into fuel

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CO2 economy is on the move

Amazing dynamics and speed of development in CO2 utilization

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Carbon to Cash with CarbonOrO’s Carbon Capture Technology

CarbonOrO introduced a unique process innovation in the carbon capture industry enabling CO2 capture from gasses at significant cost and energy reductions

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Ethane vs methane, carbon storage vs carbon use: which are the bad trades?

Are the modern orthodoxies leading us in the wrong direction?

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Erneutes Highlight der Niedersächsischen Landesinitiative Energiespeicher und –systeme: Workshop „Power-to-Gas / Methanisierung“ in Werlte

Fachexperten diskutierten über die Umwandlung von Strom in gasförmige Energieträger und deren Speicherung

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CO2 Solutions partners with Neumann Systems for pilot demonstration of carbon capture process

Joint carbon capture pilot will capture approximately 10 tonnes per day of carbon dioxide

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CO2 Solutions Announces U.S. Patent Allowance

Company comments on patent portfolio in context of proposed U.S. EPA regulations

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EPA outlines 30% cut in power-gen CO2 by 2030: what’s the role for carbon capture and use, algae?

EPA comes down hard on CO2, with proposed rule calling for deep emission cuts, but opts for highly-flexible, state-by-state approach

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Transforming hydrogen into liquid fuel using atmospheric CO2

EPFL scientists have completed their solution for transforming hydrogen gas into a less flammable liquid fuel that can be safely stored and transported

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A-Gas launches ‘even greener’ carbon dioxide, derived from sugar beet

Refrigerant, branded ‘eCO2’, offers sustainable sourcing and lower moisture content than current offerings, distributor claims

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EPA’s CO2 reduction proposal could be positive for biomass energy

Clean Power Plan to provide each state with flexibility in meeting its specific goal

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Dell Introduces New Packaging Takes Greenhouse Gases Out of the Air and Builds PCs Reusing Plastic from Recycled Electronics

Newlight Technologies’ carbon-negative AirCarbon material is more sustainable and cost effective than traditional oil-based plastics

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Capturing CO2 from power plants with lime

Separation only costs 15 euros per tonne

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Regeneratives Methan vermindert Feinstaub-Belastung und CO2-Ausstoß deutlich

ZSW-Technologie P2G® für saubere Mobilität in deutschen Städten

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Patent erteilt: Anlage und Verfahren zur ökologischen Erzeugung und Speicherung von Strom

GFZ entwickelt Erweiterung der „Power-to-Gas-to-Power“-Technologie bei geschlossenem Kohlendioxidkreislauf

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