Which goals and projects should be considered top-priority in the coming years besides solar, wind and hydro-based companies in regards to upgrading biomass?
Bewilligtes ZIM-Kooperationsnetzwerk "UseCO2" der IBB Netzwerk GmbH verwendet den Klimaschadstoff Kohlendioxid, um daraus nachhaltige Produkte zu fertigen
XPrize suggests that carbon could be used to make products like sustainable building materials, clothing and running shoes, automobiles and breakthrough medicines
Israelischen Forschern ist es gelungen, Bakterien so zu reprogrammieren, dass sie Zucker aus Kohlendioxid produzieren können. Andere Forscher machen aus dem Treibhausgas Benzin
Legislation would make tax credits available to companies based on the amount of carbon dioxide they avoid emitting into the atmosphere through carbon capture or remove from the atmosphere through utilization