For almost six years, Lara Dammer has been heading the “Economy & Policy” Department at nova-Institute. She holds a Master’s degree in Political Science and has been a part of the nova team since 2012. After her maternal leave, she is now back with new energy to tackle the challenges of a renewable carbon world.
At nova-Institute, Lara is an expert for all things related to policy and strategy for a renewable carbon-based economy. Her main topics of work are the level playing field for a bioeconomy; policy framework for CCU; renewable energy, plastic and waste policies; circular economy; standardisation of bio-based products; labelling, communication and dissemination.
Some of Lara’s recent projects include a study on biodegradable plastic policies around the world, nova Sessions on the European Circular Economy and Plastics strategy, a study on the policy framework for innovative cellulose fibres and work on the recycling of biocomposites. She heads the working group “Policy” of the Renewable Carbon Initiative led by nova.
Source: nova-Institut GmbH, 2021-10-29.