Jennifer Holmgren at IFIB 2018 in Turin, Italy
She fascinated everyone with her key note speech last Thursday in Turin (Italy) at the International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (IFIB). Presenting the results achieved by her company, LanzaTech, she has clearly paved the way for a carbon smart future. Because climate change is happening right now and is producing very evident catastrophic effects on the whole planet. Jennifer Holmgren is the classic example of a leader driven by a gentle force able to realize the changes that the historians of the French Annales would have call structural.
LanzaTech together with Virgin Atlantic is going to make aviation history this October by using groundbreaking new low carbon jet fuel, made by recycling waste carbon gases, in a commercial flight for the first time, from Orlando, Florida, to London-Gatwick, UK.
The Illinois-based company identified a bacteria, that helps turn factory carbon emissions, also known as pollution, into ethanol, which can then be blended with car gasoline or converted into a liquid? fuel that is blended into conventional jet fuel.? It is an important result that represents a real milestone on the path towards an economy able to reconcile with the environment and society, and that rewards the ambitious work carried out by Jennifer Holmgren and the entire team of LanzaTech.
From America to China, from Europe to Japan, LanzaTech is increasingly involved in the bioeconomy revolution. Not surprising all this if you look at the great competence but above all the passion and the energy that move its CEO Jennifer Holmgren.
Like all true leaders, she does not need to scream and builds bridges to achieve her goal, which is ours: decarbonising our planet.? As the First Bioeconomy Blog, we want to send our warmest thanks to Jennifer Holmgren and our strong support.
Source: Il Bioeconomista, 2018-10-01.