Lists of posts with category CCU
Straws, bottles and packaging made with captured greenhouse-gas are starting to reach commercial scale, offering a way for businesses making and using everyday products to reduce emissions contributing to global warming. Locking up greenhouse gas in ingredients that go into products can be costly compared with petroleum-based options and presents hurdles to building out enough
CEMEX USA announced today that as part of its Future in Action program aimed at cutting CO2 emissions throughout its value chain, the company has been awarded a $3.7 million cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Energy in collaboration with non-profit research institute RTI International. Other partners on the project include SLB, a global technology
German Power-to-Gas specialist Electrochaea joined seven other leading European cleantech companies to announce the formation of a new Cleantech Scale-up Coalition, with the goal of helping Europe become climate neutral, energy autonomous and industrially competitive. The coalition is supported by Breakthrough Energy, founded by Bill Gates, and Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy, both in
Der deutsche Power-to-Gas-Spezialist Electrochaea hat zusammen mit sieben anderen führenden europäischen Cleantech-Unternehmen die Gründung einer neuen Cleantech Scale-up-Coalition bekannt gegeben, deren Ziel es ist, Europa zu helfen, klimaneutral, energieautonom und industriell wettbewerbsfähig zu werden. Unterstützt wird die Koalition von der von Bill Gates gegründeten Breakthrough Energy undvon Kadri Simson, der EU-Kommissarin für Energie, die beide
TotalEnergies and Air Liquide are innovating to produce and valorize renewable, low carbon hydrogen at the Grandpuits zero crude platform. Under a long-term contract committing TotalEnergies to purchase the hydrogen produced for the needs of its platform, Air Liquide will invest over €130 million in the construction and operation of a new unit producing hydrogen.
Immer mehr Unternehmen gehen innovative Wege, um eine ressourcenschonende Kreislaufwirtschaft zu etablieren. So auch der Industriegase-Riese Air Liquide und der Energie-Gigant TotalEnergies. Beide Unternehmen wollen die Produktion von erneuerbaren und kohlenstoffarmen Wasserstoff im Rahmen der Umwandlung des Total-Energies-Standorts Grandpuits ermöglichen. Air Liquide nimmt über 130 Millionen Euro in die Hand, um den Bau und den
Al last, the need to work towards zero-emission construction seems to dawn on the construction trade. Not an easy task, as the volume of building projects around the world is still growing. But at least, some in the branch have started thinking about how to achieve this goal. 8% of world-wide CO2 emissions A recent issue of
How can we remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from fossil-fuel power plant exhaust before it ever reaches the atmosphere? New findings suggest a promising answer lies in a simple, economical and potentially reusable material analyzed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where scientists from several institutions have determined why this material
Abstract Carbon capture and storage is required to meet Paris Agreement targets. Photosynthesis is nature’s carbon capture technology. Drawing inspiration from lichen, we engineered 3D photosynthetic cyanobacterial biocomposites (i.e., lichen mimics) using acrylic latex polymers applied to loofah sponge. Biocomposites had CO2 uptake rates of 1.57 ± 0.08 g CO2 g−1biomass d−1. Uptake rates were based on the dry biomass at
LEC was founded to comply with the COMET Programme (Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies) of the Austrian federal government, financed by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, as well as the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy. COMET centers, such as the LEC, are tasked with developing solutions for