Lists of posts with category CCU
Seven million Christmas trees end up in landfill in the UK each year, releasing an estimated 100,000 tonnes of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere New research has found a more efficient, simplified process for using pine needles to produce formic acid, for use in hydrogen fuel cells, as a food preservative and in agricultural
Intensive agriculture is possible only if the soil is fertilised with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. While phosphorus and potassium can be mined as salts, nitrogen fertiliser has to be produced laboriously from nitrogen in the air and from hydrogen. And, the production of hydrogen is extremely energy-intensive, currently requiring large quantities of natural gas or
Eine intensive Landwirtschaft ist nur möglich, wenn die Böden mit Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium gedüngt werden. Während Phosphor und Kalium als Salze abgebaut werden können, muss Stickstoffdünger aufwändig aus Stickstoff aus der Luft und aus Wasserstoff hergestellt werden, wobei die Produktion von Wasserstoff äusserst energieintensiv ist. Es werden dazu grosse Mengen an Erdgas oder –
LanzaTech UK Ltd., a subsidiary of LanzaTech NZ, Inc. (“LanzaTech”), an innovative Carbon Capture and Transformation (“CCT”) company, has announced that its DRAGON facility project has received a £25M (~$31M) grant from the UK Department for Transport’s Advanced Fuels Fund Competition. LanzaTech’s Project DRAGON, which stands for Decarbonizing and Reimagining Aviation for the Goal Of Netzero, will convert waste gases into
In concrete terms, an infrastructure will be built in Antwerp to convert CO2 into CO via plasma technology. The idea is to capture greenhouse gas (CO2) locally and convert it into a high-quality chemical material (CO). This carbon monoxide can then be used in many different industries, such as metallurgy and petrochemistry. CO₂ what do we
Emerging synthetic biology tools, such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/cpf1, riboswitch, and metabolic network reprogramming circuits, have accelerated the industrial applications of cyanobacterial cell factories. The synthesis of a range of biochemicals has been demonstrated in cyanobacteria; however, low product titers are the biggest barrier to commercialization of cyanobacterial biotechnology. To further
Die Bundesregierung muss den Evaluierungsbericht laut Gesetz alle vier Jahre vorlegen. Der heute beschlossene Bericht betrachtet neben CCS auch Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU). Im Gegensatz zu CCS wird das CO2 bei CCU nicht gespeichert, sondern weiterverwendet – z. B. in der Chemieindustrie. Darüber hinaus gibt der Bericht einen Ausblick auf die Carbon Management-Strategie, die die Bundesregierung im kommenden Jahr erarbeiten will. Für das Erreichen der Klimaneutralität haben
The omnibus bill — which would fund the government at $1.7 trillion for fiscal 2023 — would provide $46.5 billion to DOE to “fund programs in its primary mission areas of science, energy, environment, and national security,” Senate appropriators said in an explanatory statement on the package. That’s an increase of roughly $1.7 billion from fiscal 2022
The new Carbstone was presented on Thursday 15 December in the presence of Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA). The Carbstone technology, patented by Orbix in 2011, converts metal slag from steel production via carbon dioxide into circular products with added value. The carbon dioxide acts as a binder, so cement is not used. The
The proposal will boost innovative carbon removal technologies and sustainable carbon farming solutions, and contribute to the EU’s climate, environmental and zero-pollution goals. The proposed regulation will significantly improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals. Higher transparency will ensure trust from stakeholders and industry, and prevent greenwashing. Carbon removals can and