Posts with category: CCU

Lists of posts with category CCU

Development of Technology to Produce Synthetic Gas from Atmospheric Concentration CO2 Using a Transition-metal-free Catalyst

Development of a transition-metal-free dual-function material for CO2 capture and reduction to carbon monoxide Efficient capture of even low-concentration atmospheric CO2 and syngas production without CO2 separation and purification processes The product gas has an extremely low concentration of impurities, making this a big step towards control of syngas compositions suitable to produce liquid fuels and chemicals Japan

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Greening the beauty industry

Modern society relies on the products of traditional manufacturing processes: plastics, fuels, solvents, etc. However, these industrial activities release significant volumes of atmosphere-warming CO2 into the air and there is an urgent need to address this problem. “We need to be thinking about how we can turn what is considered a waste stream that has

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Consortium Introduces Molten Salt Regeneration System for CCU

UP Catalyst, a leading Estonian nanotechnology company, will, together with a consortium of industry experts develop a revolutionary molten- salt-regeneration technology based on circular-economy principles. The new system has the potential to, significantly reduce waste, and it allows the reuse of carbonate salt up to 100 times. The project, named MoReCCU, has received funding through

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RCI Carbon Flows Report: Compilation of supply and demand of fossil and renewable carbon on a global and European level

In the last five years, the mindset around carbon has changed fundamentally. Of course, there is no way around the fact that the rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere pose an existential threat to life on Earth. But at the same time, carbon is the main component of our food, the basis of

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RCI-Bericht: Kohlenstoffflüsse – Angebot und Nachfrage von fossilem und erneuerbarem Kohlenstoff in der globalen und europäischen Wirtschaft

In den letzten fünf Jahren hat sich die Einstellung zum Thema Kohlenstoff grundlegend geändert. Zweifellos führt kein Weg an der Tatsache vorbei, dass die steigende Konzentration von Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre eine existenzielle Bedrohung für das Leben auf der Erde darstellt. Gleichzeitig ist Kohlenstoff aber auch der Hauptbestandteil unserer Nahrung, die Grundlage aller organischen Chemikalien

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The EU needs a business case for carbon removals

If Europe achieves its 2030 biomethane target it will have unwittingly created the conditions to cheaply mitigate the carbon emissions equivalent of an entire member state, writes James Cogan. Making biomethane is all about separating carbon dioxide from biogas, at a rate of nearly a kilo of CO2 per cubic metre of biomethane. Europe’s 35 billion cubic

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From Emission-made Shoes to Jet Fuels – Smart Innovations Make CO₂ the Feedstock of the Future

Smart innovations are helping to rewrite the story of CO2 by providing sustainable carbon sources that can successfully replace fossil carbon.  Last year, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report mentioned for the first time Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) as a solution to decrease net CO2 emissions, as well as a necessary

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Von Turnschuhen aus CO₂-Emissionen bis hin zu Flugzeugtreibstoff – Intelligente Innovationen machen CO₂ zum Rohstoff der Zukunft

Intelligente Innovationen helfen, die Geschichte des CO2 neu zu schreiben, indem sie nachhaltige Kohlenstoffquellen erschließen, die fossilen Kohlenstoff erfolgreich ersetzen können. Der Bewertungsbericht des Weltklimarates (IPCC) der Vereinten Nationen nannte im vergangenen Jahr Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) erstmalig als geeignete Lösung zur Senkung der Netto-CO2-Emissionen sowie als notwendiges Vermeidungsinstrument, das eine Abkehr von fossilem Kohlenstoff

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nova-experts introduced: Vanessa Kleinpeter

Behind every superhero there is a bright and capable secretary, that is also the case for nova. Vanessa joined the nova-team in April of 2015 as a secretary and conference assistant. She is the nova-clients’ main point of support for initial information about the nova-Institute via e-mail and telephone. In this context of nova-conferences (Cellulose

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Vergesst die Luft! Holt das CO₂ aus dem Meer – meinen Forscher

Weltweit suchen Forscher mit Hochdruck nach Möglichkeiten, Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO₂) aktiv aus der Atmosphäre herauszuholen. Denn selbst, wenn die Menschheit es schaffen sollte, ihren CO₂-Ausstoß bis 2050 massiv zu reduzieren, bleiben immer noch schwer vermeidbare Emissionen aus Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Luft- und Schiffsverkehr übrig, die man über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg aus der Atmosphäre zurückholen muss. Darauf weist

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