Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Top-Innovationen 2020: Sonne macht Kohlendioxid zum Rohstoff

Chemikalien – die Welt ist voll davon, sie bilden die Basis für Anwendungen überall im Alltag, in der Industrie oder der…Full text:

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Universal Carbon Dioxide Platform for Production of Sustainable Food, Fuels and Chemicals

Cutting edge carbon recycling technology has been developed over the last 6 years in India, that uses two basic ingredients, CO2 and H2, to produce sustainable fuels, chemicals and food for our daily lives.The DBT-IOC Center for Advanced Bio-Energy Res...

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CarbonSmart™ Milestones for LanzaTech

In the five years since the Paris Climate agreement, there is an increased sense of urgency in how we treat carbon and how quickly we can begin to move the needle on climate change. During a year when good news stories were hard to come by, LanzaTech i...

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Avantium awarded €5.4 million grant from Netherlands Enterprise Agency for expansion of FDCA pilot plant

Avantium N.V, a leading technology company in renewable chemistry, announcesthat the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO -Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) has awarded the companya€5.4milliongrantas part of the Demonstration Energy and Climate Inn...

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Colossal quarry CO<sub>2</sub> capture programme ready to ramp up in 2021

The head of the tech team behind an ambitious project to decarbonise the CO2-heavy quarrying industry – from the Humber…Full text:

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Creating animal food from a greenhouse gas

“I’ve tasted it, and it’s great. If I had to put a flavour on it, I’d say it’s slightly umami,”…Full text:

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Carbon Clean and Veolia team up to fund green projects in India through a joint venture

Carbon Clean, a leader in low-cost carbon dioxide capture and separation technology, announced today that it has joined forces with Veolia, the global leader for optimised resource management, to exclusively develop multiple green projects in India.The...

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Carbon Clean und Veolia finanzieren gemeinsam umweltfreundliche Projekte in Indien über ein Joint Venture

Carbon Clean, ein führender Anbieter von kostengünstiger Technologie zur Abscheidung und Trennung von Kohlendioxid, gab heute bekannt, dass es sich ausschließlich mit Veolia, dem weltweit führenden Unternehmen für optimiertes Ressourcenmanagement, zusa...

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Engineers go microbial to store energy, sequester CO<sub>2 </sub>

By borrowing nature’s blueprints for photosynthesis, Cornell bioengineers have found a way to efficiently absorb and store large-scale, low-cost renewable…Full text:

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Valorising emissions from steel – making into sustainable products

To reach the EU 2050 climate targets, a CO2 emission reduction of 90% is required by the iron and steel sector. To support this sector in reaching its goals, the recently started EU project INITIATE, Innovative industrial transformation of the steel an...

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