Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Lime Industry: Electrochaea Participates in Pioneering Project to Cut CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions

Electrochaea from Germany delivers renewable methane technology90,000 tons of CO2 savedper year and per plantProject investment of 150 million euro for the construction of the pilot plant With the aim of drastically reducing the high CO2 emissions inli...

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How to utilise CO<sub>2</sub>? The nominees for the innovation award “Best CO<sub>2</sub> Utilisation 2021” have the answers!

Recently, many projects on CO2-based fuel and chemical production, as well as efficient capture and utilisation technologies have been launched by both start-ups and established companies, ranging from pilot over demonstration to commercial scale. Even...

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nova experts introduced: Dr. Asta Partanen

Dr. rer. nat. Asta Partanen is one of the leading senior market experts on biocomposites as well as wood and cellulose-based materials in Europe. Asta Partanen is part of the Economy and Policy Department. She currently manages several customer consult...

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Join our expert survey and evaluate the newly developed AFTERLIFE process for the extraction of value-added products from waste water!

In the AFTERLIFE project, a flexible, cost- and resource-efficient process forrecovering and upgrading relevant components from wastewater is being developed. The AFTERLIFE process represents an advance over existing approaches to wastewater treatment ...

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E20 plan put on hold due to higher biofuel prices

A plan to make gasohol E20 the primary fuel for motorists in July has been postponed indefinitely because of higher biofuel prices, creating a financial burden for the Oil Fuel Fund.The Oil Fuel Fund Administration Office (Offo), which subsidises gasoh...

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Sustainable aviation today and tomorrow

A4E airlines are determined to address the climate challenge that faces all of mankind, minimise their environmental impact and contribute to efforts to move towards a sustainable European economy as envisioned in the European Green Deal.The aviation s...

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CO<sub>2</sub> sucked from the air and turned into jet fuel shows promise

Efforts are underway in Europe to develop electro-fuels for airlines using carbon dioxide captured directly from the atmosphere as a feedstock. Although in its infancy, this type of synthetic kerosene has the potential to significantly reduce the aviat...

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Producing more sustainable hydrogen

Hydrogen for energy use can be extracted in an environmentally friendly way from water and sunlight, using photocatalytic composite polymer nanoparticles developed by researchers at Uppsala University. In laboratory tests, these “polymer dots” showed p...

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Carbon Capture – A Man-made Solution To Solve A Man-made Problem

The carbon cycle is a naturally occurring process linking the atmosphere, biosphere, soils, rocks and oceans. Anthropogenic means environmental damage caused by humans indirectly through various practices such as man-made industries including mining, o...

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BASF und Siemens Energy wollen bei Carbon Management zusammenarbeiten

Im Rahmen einer strategischen Partnerschaft wollen BASF und Siemens Energy die kommerzielle Umsetzung neuer Technologien zur Senkung von Treibhausgasemissionen beschleunigen. Durch die Kombination der technologischen Kompetenzen der BASF und des innova...

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