Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Ein stabiler Kupfer-Katalysator für die CO<sub>2</sub>-Umwandlung

CO2 lässt sich elektrochemisch in Ausgangsstoffe für die Industrie umwandeln. Bislang fehlen aber Katalysatoren, die über lange Zeit stabil sind. Mit ein paar Tricks könnte sich das Problem lösen lassen.Die Gasdiffusionselektrode wurde in dieser Messze...

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A stable copper catalyst for CO<sub>2</sub> conversion

CO2 can be converted electrochemically into starting materials for industry. So far, however, catalysts that are stable over a long period of time have been lacking. A few tricks could solve the problem.The gas diffusion electrode was analyzed in this ...

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Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) draws worldwide attention

For the first time since the industrial revolution, technology allows us to decouple the chemical, plastics, fibre and other material industries from the use of fossil carbon. This describes a fundamental game changer, which inherits the potential for ...

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Repsol chooses Rampf technology for PU recycling project

Spanish chemical company Repsol SA will construct a 12 million euro ($14.2 million), polyurethane-to-polyol plant able to recycle more than 2,000 metric tons per year.  It will use Rampf Group’s Ecosolutions technology.The plant, which will use f...

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140.000 Quadratkilometer Solarzellen für CO<sub>2</sub>-freien Flugverkehr im Jahr 2050

Eine neue Studie zeigt die enormen Herausforderungen der Umstellung auf synthetische Treibstoffe und den Handlungsdruck für die Politik. Corona-Krise als Chance zum Umsteuern

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140,000 square kilometres of solar cells for carbon-free air traffic in 2050

A new study shows the enormous challenges of sourcing synthetic fuels, and the pressure to act for politicians. The coronavirus crisis is a window of opportunity

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How sustainable fuel will help power aviation’s green revolution

SAFs have the potential to become a significant part of new approaches to enable an industry that relies entirely on fossil fuels today to lower carbon pollution tomorrow

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RED II: EU Commission can’t see the wood for the trees, analysts warn

The revision of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) as part of the new Green Deal should recalibrate the legislative initiatives which have so far failed to decarbonise Europe’s transport sector, stakeholders have said.Transport is responsible f...

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Nestlé launches bio-based lids and scoops made from renewable resource

The main advantage of these bio-based plastics is that they are made from a renewable plant material that can be continually replenished and that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In addition, this packaging helps Nestlé reduce its use of fos...

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