Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

How Polymer Coatings Could Help Accelerate CO2 Conversion

Quick and efficient conversion of atmospheric CO2 into chemical feedstock is one of the most promising approaches to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, a primary driver of climate change. Recently, researchers from the University of Tsukuba in Japan created a polymer coating that, when applied to a standard metal catalyst, dramatically accelerates the electrochemical CO2 conversion.   Mainly due to

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Carbon removals must not become an expensive greenwashing tool

Back in June, fifteen Members of the European Parliament sent an open letter to Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioners Simson, Breton and Sinkevičius calling for financial and policy incentives to promote carbon dioxide removals (CDR) to help the EU reach climate neutrality. We agree that carbon removals and research into this field will likely be necessary for Europe

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Orca: Weltgrößte Anlage zur direkten CO₂-Entnahme aus der Atmosphäre in Betrieb

In Island ist die weltgrößte Anlage zur klimaneutralen CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung direkt aus der Luft (DACCS) in Betrieb gegangen und soll ab sofort jährlich 4000 Tonnen CO2 aus der Atmosphäre entfernen. Das Kraftwerk namens Orca stammt von der Schweizer Firma Climeworks und wird vollständig mit erneuerbarem Strom betrieben. Das aufgefangene Kohlenstoffdioxid wird mit Wasser vermischt in

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Climeworks begins operations of Orca, the world’s largest direct air capture and CO₂ storage plant

Unprecedented extreme weather events have dominated the news headlines since early this year. The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cautions that the world will see more of this in years to come. The report further confirms that it is crucial to reduce our emissions drastically and remove unavoidable and historic carbon dioxide emissions from the

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Socken aus Co2 bei ZDF Plan b

ITA-Wissenschaftler Dr.-Ing. Pavan Manvi hat am ITA einen Schmelzspinnprozess zur Herstellung eines Garns aus kohlenstoffdioxid-basiertem thermoplastischem Polyurethan entwickelt. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma FALKE und Dr. Manvi wurde mithilfe des Garns eine Socke hergestellt.Durch die Wiederverwendung von Kohlenstoffdioxid aus Industrieabfällen als Rohstoff für Textil- und Bekleidungsprodukte wird die Kohlenstoffdioxid-Bilanz verbessert und trägt so direkt zum

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Carbon removal strategy – Is it needed and will it make a difference?

European Union Member States have agreed to reach climate neutrality by 2050 and increase their level of ambition for 2030. This means that Europe needs to amend many of its climate policies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios consistent with limiting the temperature rise to 1.5°C show that removing CO2 from the atmosphere

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Chevron, Gevo Announce Intent to Pursue Sustainable Aviation Fuel Investment

Through the proposed collaboration, Gevo would operate its proprietary technology to produce sustainable aviation fuel and renewable blending components for motor gasoline to lower its lifecycle carbon intensity. In addition to co-investing with Gevo in one or more projects, Chevron would have the right to offtake approximately 150 million gallons per year to market to customers. “Chevron

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Kohlendioxid als Ressource: Biotechnisches CO2-Recycling als Beitrag zu Klimaschutz und Rohstoffsicherung

CO2-Emissionen gelten als Verursacher des Treibhauseffekts und damit als maßgeblicher Treiber des Klimawandels. Gleichzeitig sind Kohlenstoff und organische Kohlenstoffverbindungen aber auch wichtige Rohstoffe für zahlreiche industrielle Anwendungen und Produkte. Schädliche CO2-Emissionen aus Abgasen zu binden, bevor sie in die Atmosphäre gelangen, und den Kohlenstoff mittels biotechnischer Verfahren zu wirtschaftlich nutzbaren Stoffen zu recyceln, bezeichnet der

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Sinopec aims Yuan 30 billion investment through 2025 to boost hydrogen strategy

Sinopec plans to make hydrogen the cornerstone of its energy transition strategy with an investment of Yuan 30 billion ($4.64 billion) for developing the fuel through 2021-25, Ma Yongsheng, the president of the world’s largest refining company, said Aug. 30. “[Sinopec] is targeting to become China’s top hydrogen company, making [the fuel] a new driver

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What Is the Most Effective Use of Captured CO2?

Emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere need to be reduced to curb climate change. Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) could help to achieve this goal. In CCU processes, CO2 emitted from industrial processes is captured and used to create commercial products, such as chemicals, concrete, or minerals. However, comparing the climate impacts of

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