Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Carbon dioxide as an alternative raw material for the automotive industry

In addition to mattresses, sports floors and textile fibres, Covestro has opened up a further are...

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Start-up uses CO2 to create bio-building blocks

Cemvita Factory is putting microbes to work in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and producing bio-polymers used in the manufacturing of plastics. The Houston-based industrial biotechnology start-up, funded by an Occidental subsidiary and others, transforms carbon dioxide into “value-added products” using its synthetic biology conversion platform. Stay a step ahead with the Upstream News appRead high

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The Green Brief: Fossil fuel subsidies are back (and they’re here to stay)

All EU governments more or less agree that the long-term response to surging energy prices is to accelerate the transition to renewable power and promote energy savings through schemes like building renovation programmes. Yet when faced with the current global surge in energy prices, they have – understandably – resorted to short-termism with tried and

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US‐Energietechnologiekonzern Baker Hughes steigt bei Electrochaea ein und erweitert CCU‐Technologieportfolio

Electrochaea‐Technologie ermöglicht Wiederverwertung und Umwandlung von CO2 in sauberes, netzfähiges synthetisches Erdgas (SNG) und trägt so zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs‐ und Wärmesektors bei. Technologienzusammenführung ermöglicht schnelle Skalierung und internationale Vermarktung einer integrierten Lösung zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung und ‐nutzung (CCU). Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR), ein weltweit führendes Energietechnologieunternehmen , hat eine Investition in Electrochaea bekannt gegeben. Electrochaea

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EXCLUSIVE: Could biogas solve the UK’s CO2 supply issues?

Creating a network of CO2 supply sources from biogas plants could be the answer to preventing future shortages, according to UK-based BioCarbonics. Established in June 2018, BioCarbonics works with AD operators/biogas producers to help them recover and monetise their waste CO2, providing a dedicated channel to market for biogenic ‘green’ CO2 from renewable energy sources. Earlier this

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Simple method for converting carbon dioxide into useful compounds

Researchers in Japan have found an energy-efficient way to convert the chief greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) into useful chemicals. Using the method, CO2 is transformed into structures called metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), suggesting a new and simpler route to dispose of the greenhouse gas to help tackle global warming.  The research was carried out by scientists

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The answer to your hunt for renewable materials: The Renewable Materials Conference, 10–12 May 2022, Cologne, Germany (hybrid)

Ready-to-use fossil-free sustainable material solutions with a low carbon footprint are in fast-growing demand. Innovative brand owners are keeping an eye out for such solutions, in particular those that will soon reach the mainstream. Visuals and PDF file in English and German available at: For the second time, nova-Institute presents numerous market highlights from

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Baubeginn für weltweit erste integrierte kommerzielle Anlage zur Herstellung von eFuels

Der Sportwagenhersteller Porsche und Siemens Energy errichten in Punta Arenas in Chile gemeinsam mit einer Reihe von internationalen Unternehmen eine Industrieanlage zur Herstellung nahezu CO2-neutralen Kraftstoffs (eFuel). Für dieses zukunftsweisende Projekt wurde heute im Beisein des chilenischen Energieministers Juan Carlos Jobet der erste Spatenstich gesetzt. Nördlich von Punta Arenas im chilenischen Patagonien entsteht zunächst eine

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Construction begins on world’s first integrated commercial plant for producing eFuels

Sports car manufacturer Porsche and Siemens Energy have joined forces with a number of international companies to build an industrial plant for the production of an almost carbon-neutral fuel (eFuel) in Punta Arenas, Chile. The ground-breaking ceremony for this pioneering project took place today (10 September) in the presence of Chile’s Energy Minister Juan Carlos

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Shell to build one of Europe’s biggest biofuels facilities

Once built, the facility will be among the biggest in Europe to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel made from waste. A facility of this size could produce enough renewable diesel to avoid 2,800,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions a year, the equivalent of taking more than 1 million European cars* off the

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