Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

SAS, Vattenfall, Shell and LanzaTech to explore synthetic sustainable aviation fuel production

Vattenfall, SAS, Shell and LanzaTech will together investigate the production of the world’s first synthetic sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) using the LanzaJetTM “Alcohol to Jet” technology on a large scale in Sweden. Instead of using virgin fossil material in the production process, the synthetic SAF will be produced from fossil free electricity and recycled carbon dioxide

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Carbon capture and utilisation technologies are solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and move away from fossil resources

Today, the extraction and use of fossil carbon is the main controller of the Earth’s thermostat. To ...

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Electrochaea’s BioCat Biomethanation Process Is Certified by the Environmental Technology Verification programme

Electrochaea’s biomethanation process at the company’s BioCat plant in Avedøre, Denmark has received a Statement of Verification from the independent Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program. The BioCat system for conversion of carbon dioxide into methane was certified for performance in relation to gas quality, capacity, energy consumption and operating conditions, including mass flow rate changes,

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Intensified solar thermochemical carbon dioxide splitting over iron-based perovskite

Practical solar fuel production via two-step solar thermochemical CO2 splitting (STCS), a promising method. We demonstrate that FeNi alloy embedded in perovskite substrate enables near complete CO2 splitting and record CO production rate of 381 mL g-1 min-1 (STP). This unprecedented performance is ascribed to stabilization of oxidized Fe cations by in-situ involving into robust

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CEMEX invests in pioneer solar technology

CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. (“CEMEX”) and CEMEX Ventures (CEMEX´s venture capital unit) announced today their investment in Synhelion, a pioneer in solar fuels that are a climate-friendly substitute to fossil fuels, enabling a carbon-free cement manufacturing process. This effort, which aims to decarbonize the cement manufacturing process based on solar energy, is part of CEMEX’s

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GCI Calls for Urgent Action on Carbon Capture and Utilization as the World Watches COP26

Between October 31 and November 12, 2021, delegates from nearly 200 countries will gather in Glasgow, Scotland for the COP26 climate summit, described by some as a make-or-break chance to curb greenhouse gas emissions and stave off the worst ravages of climate change. As the world watches the progress of COP26, Global CO2 Initiative calls

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Neue Forschungserkenntnisse: Wälder treiben Klimawandel an

Touristenzentren, Industriegebiete, Autobahnen – man denkt eher an solche Orte, wenn es darum geht, wo viele Treibhausgase in die Atmosphäre gelangen. Wälder standen bislang nicht im Verdacht, eine negative CO2-Bilanz hervorzubringen, vielmehr galten sie als wichtige CO2-Senken. Doch nun haben For­sche­r*in­nen der Unesco, des World Resources Institute (WRI) und der International Union for Conservation of

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CEMEX and Carbon Clean work on carbon capture project in Germany

The initial stage of this project aims to capture 100 tonnes per day of CO2 at the plant and combine this with hydrogen from renewable sources to produce greener synthetic hydrocarbons that can be used in other industries. Then, the aim will be to increase the CO2 capture by an additional 300 tonnes per day,

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Klimapioniere Jan Wurzbacher und Christoph Gebald: Die CO₂-Sauger

Alles begann in den Laboren der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich. Dort entwickelten die Studienfreunde Jan Wurzbacher und Christoph Gebald den ersten Prototyp ihrer Erfindung. Das Gerät war damals kleiner als die Maus des Computers, mit dem sie es steuerten. Aber es versprach Großes: Die Maschine, die die beiden Deutschen bauen wollten, sollte das klimaschädliche Gas

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World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns

The world is squandering the opportunity to “build back better” from the COVID-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7°C if countries fail to strengthen their climate pledges, according to a report from the UN, published on Tuesday (26 October). Tuesday’s publication warns that countries’ current pledges would reduce carbon by only

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