Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Carbon capture and utilisation technologies are solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and move away from fossil resources

Today, the extraction and use of fossil carbon is the main controller of the Earth’s thermostat. To mitigate climate change, the urgency is to substitute fossil-based products and implement circular carbon solutions to generate essential goods and services. While discussions on carbon removal are high on political agendas, we often observe a certain level of

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New IEAGHG report: 2021-02 CO2 as a Feedstock: Comparison of CCU Pathways

A range of carbon dioxide capture technologies have been developed, including amine-based routes and calcium looping methods, some of which are now considered to be at technology readiness level (TRL) 9. These technologies have been deployed across the world in large-scale carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) projects, permanently storing the CO2 in geological formations,

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Bakterien als Klima-Helden

Acetogene sind eine Gruppe von Bakterien, die Formiat verstoffwechseln können. Sie bilden beispielsweise Essigsäure – eine wichtige Basischemikalie. Manipuliert man diese Bakterien dahingehend, dass sie Ethanol oder Milchsäure produzieren, ließe sich eine umfassende Kreislaufwirtschaft für das Treibhausgas CO2 realisieren. Damit der Prozess nachhaltig ist, wird das CO2 direkt aus der Luft gewonnen und unter Verwendung von erneuerbarer Energie

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Bacteria as climate heroes

Acetogens are a group of bacteria that can metabolise formate. For example, they form acetic acid – an important basic chemical. If these bacteria were manipulated to produce ethanol or lactic acid, a comprehensive circular economy for the greenhouse gas CO2 could be realised. To ensure that the process is sustainable, the CO2 is extracted directly from the

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Science To The Rescue: Sustainable and scalable CO2 capture tech

In order to help catapult Irish innovation to the world stage, and effect change globally, Science Foundation Ireland have launched the Future Innovator Prize. With €4m available across two challenges – AI for Societal Good and Zero Emissions – this competition offers Irish science the money to match its ambition. Challenge-based funding is a solution-focused

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New Technique Improves Conversion of Carbon Dioxide Into Liquid Fuels

Carbon dioxide (CO2), a product of burning fossil fuels and the most prevalent greenhouse gas, has the potential to be sustainably converted back into useful fuels. A promising route for turning CO2 emissions into a fuel feedstock is a process known as electrochemical reduction. But to be commercially viable, the process needs to be improved,

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Barton Blakeley Technologies develops first-of-its-kind carbon capture facility in Hertfordshire

Barton Blakeley Technologies (BBT) has developed the first carbon conversion system, converting CO2 emissions into hydrophobic silica. The technology, known as HYPER Xi, converts waste carbon dioxide into materials used in a wide range of industries that manufacture everyday products. The material is used for various functions such as waterproofing, thickening, thinning, anti-microbial functionality, and support

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CEMEX und Carbon Clean arbeiten an CO2-Abscheidungsprojekt in Deutschland

In der Anfangsphase dieses Projekts sollen 100 Tonnen CO2 pro Tag in der Anlage abgeschieden und mit Wasserstoff aus erneuerbaren Quellen kombiniert werden, um umweltfreundlichere synthetische Kohlenwasserstoffe herzustellen, die in anderen Industrien verwendet werden können.  Ziel ist es dann, die CO2-Abscheidung um weitere 300 Tonnen pro Tag zu erhöhen und Wasserstoff aus einer eigenen Pipeline zu verwenden. Beide Projektstufen sind

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Recycling CO2 to fuel a carbon-neutral future

Multifunctional catalysts that transform captured carbon dioxide (CO2) into fuels and other valuable petrochemicals have been developed at KAUST and are set to enable a sustainable greener economy independent of conventional fossil fuels. The catalysts could help reverse the ever-increasing release of CO2 by preventing new emissions without requiring a radical overhaul of existing infrastructure,

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CO2-Recycling als Treibstoff für eine kohlenstoffneutrale Zukunft

An der KAUST wurden multifunktionale Katalysatoren entwickelt, die abgeschiedenes Kohlendioxid (CO2) in Kraftstoffe und andere wertvolle Petrochemikalien umwandeln und eine nachhaltige, umweltfreundlichere Wirtschaft unabhängig von herkömmlichen fossilen Brennstoffen ermöglichen sollen. Die Katalysatoren könnten dazu beitragen, die ständig zunehmende Freisetzung von CO2 umzukehren, indem sie neue Emissionen verhindern, ohne eine radikale Überholung der bestehenden Infrastruktur zu

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