Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

LanzaTech and Zara Collaborate to Create a Capsule Collection Made from Recycled Carbon Emissions

LanzaTech has announced a collaboration with Inditex that led to the design of a capsule collection for the retail group’s largest brand Zara that incorporates fabric made with carbon emissions, avoiding their emission into the atmosphere (CarbonSmart™). “We are hugely excited about this collaboration with Inditex and Zara which brings fashion made from waste carbon

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European Green Deal: Commission proposals to remove, recycle and sustainably store carbon

Today the Commission adopted a Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, setting out how to increase removals of carbon from the atmosphere. To balance out the impacts of our CO2 emissions, the EU will need to drastically reduce its reliance on fossil carbon, upscale carbon farming to store more carbon in nature, and promote industrial solutions

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Europäischer Grüner Deal: Vorschläge der Kommission zu Entfernung, Recycling und nachhaltiger Speicherung von CO2

Die Kommission hat heute eine Mitteilung zu nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffkreisläufen angenommen, in der dargelegt wird, wie der Abbau von CO2 aus der Atmosphäre erhöht werden kann. Um die Auswirkungen unserer CO2-Emissionen auszugleichen, muss die EU ihre Abhängigkeit von fossilem Kohlenstoff drastisch verringern, die klimaeffiziente Landwirtschaft ausbauen, um mehr Kohlenstoff in der Natur zu speichern, und industrielle

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Novozymes to deliver on strategy with carbon capture collaboration agreement

In September, Novozymes launched its new 2025 strategy, Unlocking growth – powered by biotech, which highlighted three growth pillars: Evolve the core business, Expand into the high-growth areas of BioHealth and Human Nutrition and Explore new growth opportunities. Carbon Capture is a new growth opportunity area and Novozymes is now delivering on its promise to

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Saipem and Novozymes to work together to create a more sustainable CO2 capture

Saipem and Novozymes, the world leader in biological solutions, have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of innovative solutions for enzymatic carbon capture. As part of the agreement, Saipem, which owns an enzyme-based CO2 capture technology that can also contain costs, will be responsible for providing process, mechanical and equipment design, while Novozymes will

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John Kerry: CO2-Grenzzölle sind „eine legitime Idee, die auf dem Tisch liegt“

Das von der EU vorgeschlagene CO2-Grenzausgleichssytem ist ein „legitimes“ Instrument, das in Betracht gezogen werden sollte, und auch die Vereinigten Staaten „prüfen es“ derzeit.  „Es könnte ein Instrument sein, zu dem wir keine andere Wahl haben, wenn andere Länder es mit der Reduzierung von Kohlenstoff nicht ernst genug nehmen“, sagte John Kerry in einem Interview

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John Kerry: Carbon border tariffs are ‘a legitimate idea to have on the table’

The EU’s proposed carbon border adjustment mechanism is a “legitimate” instrument to consider, and the United States are “exploring it” as well. “It may be a tool that we have no choice but to employ if other countries are not going to be serious enough about reducing carbon,” John Kerry told EURACTIV in an interview.

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Liquid marbles: how this tiny, emerging technology could solve carbon capture and storage problems

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been touted, again and again, as one of the critical technologies that could help Australia reach its climate targets, and features heavily in the federal government’s plan for net-zero emissions by 2050. CCS is generally when emissions are captured at the source, such as from a coal-fired power station,

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Renewable Carbon News takes a winter break – we will be back on 3 January 2021

Dear Readers, The first year for Renewable Carbon News in its current incarnation is comming ot an end. To thank our loyal readers and get you well through the winter break, we offer a winter special discount on nova-Institute’s market studies. The market and trend reports were compiled by nova experts together with leading international experts

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ArcelorMittal expands partnership with carbon capture and re-use specialist LanzaTech through US$30 million investment

ArcelorMittal (‘the Company’) today announces it has made a US$30 million investment in carbon recycling company, LanzaTech through its XCarb™ innovation fund, the fourth investment the Company has made through the fund since its launch in March 2021. The investment further expands ArcelorMittal’s relationship with LanzaTech, which commenced in 2015 when the Company first announced

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