Post archive by author CCU News

All post items by CCU News

Turning harmful CO2 into useful chemicals

Making important raw materials for fine chemicals out of carbon dioxide really works. As part of the Max Planck collaborative project eBioCO2n, a team of researchers from Fraunhofer IGB have successfully performed a first ever fixation of CO2 via a multi-enzyme enzyme reaction driven by electricity yielding a prospective intermediate for the chemical industry. The

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Aus klimaschädlichem CO2 werden nützliche Chemikalien

Aus Kohlenstoffdioxid wichtige Ausgangsmaterialien für Feinchemikalien machen – das funktioniert tatsächlich: Einem Forscherteam des Fraunhofer IGB ist es im Max-Planck-Kooperationsprojekt eBioCO2n erstmals gelungen, CO2 in einer auf dem Transfer von Elektronen basierenden Enzymkaskade zu fixieren und in einen festen Ausgangsstoff für die chemische Industrie umzuwandeln. Das Verfahren zur elektrobiokatalytischen CO2-Fixierung wurde bereits publiziert und gilt

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Vertimass and European Energy Sign Letter of Intent

Vertimass and European Energy announced today that the companies have completed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to integrate technologies for capturing carbon dioxide and converting it into hydrocarbon products around the world, a result that would reduce emissions of carbon dioxide that contribute to climate change. This unique combination takes advantage of European Energy’s expertise

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Unique equipment for biotechnological capture and conversion of CO2 into chemical building blocks developed in the BioRECO2VER project

CO2 as renewable carbon source Carbon is the main element in numerous materials used in industrial processes and in our daily lives. It is currently mostly provided from fossil sources. But what if carbon could be used directly from CO2 emissions? Biotechnology shows particularly great potential for the eco-effective conversion of climate-damaging CO2 emissions into

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First, Large-Scale CO2-Capture Plant in Cement Production Halves Emissions

Using Aker Carbon Capture’s proprietary carbon-capture technology, HeidelbergCement Norcem will realize the world’s first carbon capture facility for large-scale cement production. From the summer of 2024, 400,000 tons of CO2 will be captured annually from the Norwegian cement factory in Brevik – corresponding to 50% of the factory’s overall emissions. The carbon will be compressed

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Erste großtechnische CO2-Abscheideanlage der Zementindustrie reduziert Emissionen um 50%

Mit Hilfe der von Aker Carbon Capture entwickelten Kohlenstoffbindungs-technologie wird Nordic Cement die weltweit erste CO2-Abscheideanlage im Großmaßstab für die Zementproduktion umsetzen. Ab Sommer 2024 werden so jährlich 400.000 Tonnen CO2 abgeschieden, was insgesamt 50 % der Emissionen des Zementwerkes in Brevik entspricht. Dieser Kohlenstoff wird mit den Technologien der Kooperationspartner Aker Carbon Capture und

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Researchers Develop Pb1Cu Catalyst for CO2-to-formate Conversion

A research team led by Prof. ZENG Jie from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), and their collaborators, realized highly selective CO2-to-formate conversion via Pb1Cu catalyst. The study was published in Nature Nanotechnology. Converting CO2 into valuable chemicals and fuels with renewable electricity offers a sustainable way toward realizing carbon neutral goals. The reported HCOOH-selective electrocatalysts, such as Bi, Sn, In, Pb and Pd, do not yield

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Higher Performance, Carbon Negative Plastics, Maybe for Less

Here’s the “We’ve Got a Big Problem” slide that we often see at the beginning of presentations in this space, especially the good ones. Hollywood movies sometimes begin with the meet cute, but the blockbusters usually begin with the problem — arrival of the villain — ever since Darth Vader appeared 2:40 into the opening

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A sustainable carbons cycle or a vicious emissions cycle?

On 15 December, the European Commission published its Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication, which showcases its vision for carbon farming, industrial carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and carbon capture and storage (CCS), and permanently removing carbon from the atmosphere. The communication is meant to provide a blueprint for how carbon removals can compensate for any residual

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Commission’s carbon farming ambition just buries the problem, stakeholders warn

The European Commission’s communication on sustainable carbon cycles promising a new source of revenue for farmers received a lukewarm response from the farming sector on Wednesday (15 December) while NGOs blasted it for letting real polluters off the hook. In a bid to increase removals of carbon from the atmosphere, the long-awaited communication sets out

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